
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Servant

The Servant       by Danny C. Wash                                                         “Have this attitude in yourselves which was   also in Christ Jesus, who,... did not consider  equality with God something to be grasped,   but emptied Himself by taking the form of a  bond-servant ...He humbled Himself by  becoming obedient to the point of ... death on a cross. For this reason also God highly exalted  Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is  above every name, so that at the name of Jesus  every knee will bow,... and that every tongue  will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord....”  Philippians 2:5-11 Most of us want to be the served, not the servant; the head, not the tail; at the front of the line, not the back with all the others. The humility of being a servant is not from this  world of pride. It must come from being broken  in our pride and rebellion of heart. It is a precious  and painful gift to us from Jesus, who became a  servant by laying aside all of the heavenly right

Light Shines In the Darkness

Light Shines In the Darkness                by Danny C. Wash “ In Him [Jesus] was life, and the life was the Light of mankind...a nd the Light  shines in the  darkness...”   John 1:4-5  "The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light and those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned." Matthew 4:16 “I [Jesus] have come as light into the world, that everyone who  believes in Me may not remain  in darkness”  John 12:46 We were in a prison of darkness in this world of sin locked there in the blindness that we had within from the devil’s lies and our sinful flesh ruled by him. We could not break free and were bound to his whims, where we were in the blackness in chains and could not see. There was no hope on our own to break away and be free. Then Jesus Christ shined into that prison His bright light, that opened our inner eyes to have spiritual sight. The Lord’s light dispelled the darkness in our soul to cleanse the sin and evil

O, Ye of Little Faith

O, Ye of Little Faith           By Danny C. Wash                              “Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field,  which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven,  shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?”   Matthew 6:30   “And he saith unto them, why are ye fearful, O ye  of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds  and the sea; and there was a great calm.”   Matthew 8:26  “Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread?”  Matthew 16:8 Are ye one of those “little faithers”? That’s nothing to be proud of but  it’s the truth for many of us. What  does it mean to have little faith?  Is there a big faith we need instead? Jesus also said, “If you have faith as  a grain of mustard seed...nothing will  be impossible for you.” A mustard seed is not big, it is very small, one of the smallest of seeds. The size of the faith is not the issue, it is the size an

The Fun House

The Fun House  by Danny C. Wash Standing on the precipice of older age , it is with some fear and trembling that I peer ahead with dimming eyes into the unknown and unmet years. Before, when I've looked at the year ahead and then when I am well into it, I think how all of this was just unexpected. It’s like walking through a fun house at the carnival and all kinds of things in the dark jump out and scare you - clowns and monsters screaming. I don’t know what I expected but  usually I think, “it wasn’t this.” But, sometimes what jumps out at  you is a blessing, a pleasant blessing. A call from an old friend with kind word. A grandchild’s smile and big hug before they grow too old for that and before they  recognize your faults and weaknesses. If you take a flashlight into the fun house and shine it on the scary things, they lose their scariness and we realize they are nothing to be afraid of but just a small distraction. Don’t forget your flashlight next year and remember your batte

A Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach                                              by Danny C. Wash   The gritty sand under my feet feels good as I stand waist deep in the waves of the ocean and the undertow pulls the sand from underfoot. The pull of the surf on my body was a pleasant motion. The sun was hot and testing my sun block lotion but the sea breeze brings air to cool away the sweat, until I decide to take a dive forward and get all wet. When I emerge from the dive I hear my wife call from the shore that lunch is ready and it’s time to eat. Our kids are down the shore playing with a beach ball. I emerge from the water and put my sandals on my feet and trudge the short walk through the sand to the chairs with an umbrella over them so that we can eat in the shade. The kids are very hungry and ready to eat everything there.  We come to the table preparing to eat what my wife has made, when suddenly we hear a large rumble and look to the sky. A large thunderstorm has arisen and it’s preparing to rai

The Cleaving of the Cross

The Cleaving of the Cross   By Danny C. Wash                            The Bible uses “cleave” in ways meaning opposite things. One meaning is to “divide” and the other is to “cling.” The cross of Christ is like a sharp axe that cleaves between flesh and spirit to separate in Christ the two through Christ’s death on the cross and what it leaves behind as being rejected because it is in Adam and not the new creation in the spirit being the new race instead of the old. Our cross in Christ is what we must cleave to and take up each day in order for the old flesh from Adam in us to die daily I am told, so that the likeness of Christ can come into our soul to stay. Our old body is called the body of sin and death and must die, cleaving from our dead body our spirit and soul, which must leave  in death to be out of that body and in Christ to which they fly. And when Christ returns, our new physical bodies we believe  He will bring to us from Heaven and them we will receive to clothe our s

The Old Self and The New Self

The Old Self and The New Self                               by Danny C. Wash “For if we have become united with Him in the likeness  of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of  His resurrection,  knowing this, that our old self was  crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might  be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves  to sin; for the one who has died is freed from sin. Now  if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also  live with Him,  knowing that Christ, having been raised  from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is  master over Him. For the death that He died, He died  to sin once for all time; but the life that He lives, He  lives to God.  So you too, consider yourselves to be dead  to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Romans 6:5-11 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I  who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I  now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,  who

Walk On

Walk On                                                               by Danny C. Wash Walk on, there are some things in life that we just have to finally walk on from and leave. We can become stuck around an event or experience or regret and try as hard as we can, we just can’t solve the problem or the failure. It’s done, the cement is set and there’s not a damn thing more  we can do but cry and moan and poison the remainder of our life and perhaps the others around us who love us and depend on us and need us. So, we have just got to stop dwelling on it and rolling it around in our mind like a sore tooth we can’t keep our tongue  away from touching.  All it does is make it worse. Some of these things can’t be solved here on Earth and we will just have to walk on  and let God judge it all in the end. Ask for forgiveness for your end of it. Forgive others, throw it in the corner, just lift up your head to heaven and clear you head, vowing to not think  about it again and walk on.

I Have No Tattoos

I Have No Tattoos                                by Danny C. Wash I Have No Tattoos Oh my, boo hoo what will I do? Almost everyone else has a bunch of tattoos. But, I’m thinking bout gettin’ me one to flout. My tat is going to have a beautiful beach scene with a sun going down at the the seashore with a family having a cookout by a fire and a dog waggin’ his tail and a storm with lightnin’ flashin’ in the distance. There will be a man fishin’ in the surf with a girl swimin’ and a boy sittin’ pettin’ the dogs and he’s roasting marshmellers. And, if there’s still room I  will have a hotrod car there, but I probably won’t have  enough room cause my arm is so tiny and small. Oh well, maybe I won’t do that. Sorry, I brought it up. I still have no tattoos & probably will never have any and won’t be cool like all these other fellers. Just an old guy with a small  arm with only freckles & hair. Boring.

World of Woe

World of Woe                                              by Danny C. Wash The reason it is a world of woe now is because of your evil foe, who plunged this once beautiful world into a place of darkness, sin, and death for you. This enemy is seeking those he may devour, like a roaring lion prowling about with power, who deceives even those thinking they are wise and is the creator of nothing but great lies. So, who can save and protect us from this mess? It is the One with grace and mercy to bless. Who came into this world of woe to provide a path, that would bring an end to what caused God’s wrath against sin and in doing so would create a new race of spiritual people, who could receive God’s grace, resulting in forgiveness of all sin leaving not a trace. Giving new resurrection life to those that will embrace Jesus, who came into the world as a sinless man to face the cross, not deserving to die for the sins of the world; but laying down His life and becoming obedient was hurled into

The Traveling Carnival of Gun Violence

 The Traveling Carnival of Gun Violence     by Danny C. Wash                                                                            The traveling carnival of gun violence is touring the country and stops in one or two places in our  country per week now for shows. This carnival features guns, such as an AR-15 weapon of war, that any young man can attend & use to shoot and kill as many innocent children and adults as they can shoot with a hundred rounds of  bullets that completely destroys a person’s body or simply blows their head off. The term “carnival” comes from the medieval Latin term “carne vale”which appropriately means “flesh, farewell,”  which is what happens when the young men point their AR-15 at you and pull the trigger. This carnival travels with a license to kill furnished by the Second Amendment, politicians, & gun sellers  in the name of profit and political power. The license is also enabled by those of the country  who always blame the violence on somethin