Light Shines In the Darkness

Light Shines In the Darkness             

by Danny C. Wash

In Him [Jesus] was life, and the life was the Light of mankind...and the Light shines in the darkness...”  John 1:4-5 
"The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light and those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned." Matthew 4:16
“I [Jesus] have come as light into the world, that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness” John 12:46

We were in a prison of darkness in this world of sin

locked there in the blindness that we had within

from the devil’s lies and our sinful flesh ruled by him.

We could not break free and were bound to his whims,

where we were in the blackness in chains and could not see.

There was no hope on our own to break away and be free.

Then Jesus Christ shined into that prison His bright light,

that opened our inner eyes to have spiritual sight.

The Lord’s light dispelled the darkness in our soul

to cleanse the sin and evil and made us whole.

Our eyes were opened and the chains lost control,

as the bright light of the Lord led us out of the night.

The Holy Spirit awakened our spirit with His might

and the cleansing light to make a holy place in us,

where we could communicate through Him with Jesus.

The Holy Spirit then began His task of creating

in our darkened minds the life of Jesus replacing

the lies from the world, the flesh, and the devil.

The Holy Spirit in our spirit opposes this rebel

against God who deceived and put us under his spell.

He wars against the rebellion in us which He tries to quell.

This is a daily battle that involves taking up our cross,

where we were placed there by God at a great cost

to Jesus, who died for us and us in Him, so we could live

in resurrection life each day and God could us forgive.

The Gospel of Jesus is a brilliant lighthouse in a sea of sin

guiding our course through the dark waters to His light within.

Holding out His arms of grace for us with eternal life to win.

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