Walk On

Walk On                                                

 by Danny C. Wash

Walk on, there are some things

in life that we just have to finally

walk on from and leave.

We can become stuck around an

event or experience or regret and

try as hard as we can, we just can’t

solve the problem or the failure.

It’s done, the cement is set and

there’s not a damn thing more 

we can do but cry and moan

and poison the remainder of our

life and perhaps the others around

us who love us and depend on us

and need us. So, we have just got

to stop dwelling on it and rolling

it around in our mind like a sore

tooth we can’t keep our tongue 

away from touching.  All it does

is make it worse. Some of these

things can’t be solved here on Earth

and we will just have to walk on 

and let God judge it all in the end.

Ask for forgiveness for your end of it.

Forgive others, throw it in the corner,

just lift up your head to heaven and

clear you head, vowing to not think 

about it again and walk on.

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