O, Ye of Little Faith

O, Ye of Little Faith 

     By Danny C. Wash                           

“Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, 
which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, 
shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?”  
Matthew 6:30 
 “And he saith unto them, why are ye fearful, O ye 
of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds 
and the sea; and there was a great calm.”  
Matthew 8:26 
“Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them,
O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves,
because ye have brought no bread?” 
Matthew 16:8

Are ye one of those “little faithers”?

That’s nothing to be proud of but 

it’s the truth for many of us. What 

does it mean to have little faith? 

Is there a big faith we need instead?

Jesus also said, “If you have faith as 

a grain of mustard seed...nothing will 

be impossible for you.” A mustard seed

is not big, it is very small, one of the

smallest of seeds. The size of the faith is

not the issue, it is the size and strength of 

the One in which we place that little faith. 

It is wholly looking to our Lord to accomplish 

what is to be removed or done with His strength, 

not ours. So, the Lord was not chiding them for 

the size of their faith, He was challenging them 

to look to Him, who can work with the tiniest bit

of faith in Him. If it is within God’s will, it only 

takes a spark of faith for His immense power to join 

with and accomplish a great task on the Earth.  Jesus 

said, “apart from me you can do nothing.” God works 

on Earth with man cooperating with Him in His work. 

Like the train that needs tracks to operate on, our little 

faith is like that track for God’s power to operate upon to

accomplish His will on Earth. Remember the disciple’s prayer,

 “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

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