The Servant

The Servant
   by Danny C. Wash                                           

“Have this attitude in yourselves which was 
also in Christ Jesus, who,... did not consider 
equality with God something to be grasped,  
but emptied Himself by taking the form of a 
bond-servant ...He humbled Himself by 
becoming obedient to the point of ... death on
a cross. For this reason also God highly exalted 
Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is 
above every name, so that at the name of Jesus 
every knee will bow,... and that every tongue 
will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord....” 
Philippians 2:5-11

Most of us want to be the served, not the

servant; the head, not the tail; at the front

of the line, not the back with all the others.

The humility of being a servant is not from this 

world of pride. It must come from being broken 

in our pride and rebellion of heart. It is a precious 

and painful gift to us from Jesus, who became a 

servant by laying aside all of the heavenly rights 

and privileges of His royalty as equal with God to 

become the living example of what it means to be a 

servant. As a servant, we must submit to every order

of our Lord and Master, no matter the cost or what the 

command requires of us, even unto death as was required 

of Jesus. We are prideful and rebellious at the core of our 

being. This can only be solved by our accepting that the 

death of the cross of Christ included our old self with and

in Him. We must be led there by the Holy Spirit by faith in 

the faithfulness of the Suffering Servant, Jesus, who laid down 

His life on the cross and took us through that in Him, so that 

our death in Him sheds off of us the lordship of the old self and

the devil and by being in the resurrection of Christ, we can put

on the new person. We must reckon as true that fact in our inner 

person and accept it by faith, so that the resurrection life 

of Christ can bring us out of death into new life, as a servant to 

Jesus as our Lord, to serve Him and then others as He did for us.

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