The Cleaving of the Cross

The Cleaving of the Cross

  By Danny C. Wash                      

The Bible uses “cleave” in ways meaning opposite things.

One meaning is to “divide” and the other is to “cling.”

The cross of Christ is like a sharp axe that cleaves

between flesh and spirit to separate in Christ the two

through Christ’s death on the cross and what it leaves

behind as being rejected because it is in Adam and not the new

creation in the spirit being the new race instead of the old.

Our cross in Christ is what we must cleave to and take up each day

in order for the old flesh from Adam in us to die daily I am told,

so that the likeness of Christ can come into our soul to stay.

Our old body is called the body of sin and death and must die,

cleaving from our dead body our spirit and soul, which must leave 

in death to be out of that body and in Christ to which they fly.

And when Christ returns, our new physical bodies we believe 

He will bring to us from Heaven and them we will receive

to clothe our spirits, then we will cleave to Christ for eternity.

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