World of Woe

World of Woe                                    
by Danny C. Wash

The reason it is a world of woe

now is because of your evil foe,

who plunged this once beautiful world into

a place of darkness, sin, and death for you.

This enemy is seeking those he may devour,

like a roaring lion prowling about with power,

who deceives even those thinking they are wise

and is the creator of nothing but great lies.

So, who can save and protect us from this mess?

It is the One with grace and mercy to bless.

Who came into this world of woe to provide a path,

that would bring an end to what caused God’s wrath

against sin and in doing so would create a new race

of spiritual people, who could receive God’s grace,

resulting in forgiveness of all sin leaving not a trace.

Giving new resurrection life to those that will embrace

Jesus, who came into the world as a sinless man to face

the cross, not deserving to die for the sins of the world;

but laying down His life and becoming obedient was hurled

into suffering and death, enduring the cross of sin to die,

as us so that God’s wrath against all sin would be pacified.

God’s wrath found complete rest in Jesus and He was satisfied,

raising Him from death into eternal life along with all believers,

leaving behind the unbelievers in death with the great deceiver.

But hope remains, even for those who have refused this gift, may still repent

if done before the clock of their life ticks its last second, they may still assent

to the drawing of the Holy Spirit to lead them to call upon Jesus’ name,

who will send His Spirit with forgiveness, salvation, and new life to claim. 

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