
The Warming Sun

 The Warming Sun                                           By Danny C. Wash The bright sun’s warming rays on this cold mid-winter day began 93 million miles away as the sun’s gasses leap & twirl exploding into heat & unfurl into rays of brilliant white light that shoots through miles of space into my back without leaving a trace except for the wonderful warm feeling of heat as it stirs the blood & healing of my aching stiff back from the cold. My dog looks at me standing there old in the warm sun and gives me his stare as only he can when it’s time to eat. All of this wonder around us of heat & light but all he wants is his bowl of meat. Anyway, the sun is melting into the earth, as darkness creeps in giving the cold its new birth. So, in I go turning up my furnace for all its worth.

The Hard Part

  The Hard Part                                       by Danny C. Wash Whenever I do most anything There is always what I call, The Hard Part. If I do a plumbing repair, There is always the part when the Bolt strips, the valve doesn’t fit Or I don’t have the right tool. That’s the hard part to deal with. When trying to solve a problem And the numbers don’t come out right, That’s the hard part.  You name it, Every task seems to have a hard part and When you lick the problem and overcome The hard part, the rest is easy and it’s over. Life just has a lot of hard parts doesn’t it? You may be in a hard part right now. That’s the time when you have to decide, Am I going to find a way to victory or am I  giving up.  Finding a solution makes the reward of the task even Greater, when we persevere and triumph over The Hard Part.

A Tale of the U.S. Mail

  A Tale of the U.S. Mail                                         by Danny C. Wash Mail, mail our wonderful U. S. mail it arrives with the speed of a crippled snail or perhaps never and will surely fail to arrive at all winding up in mail jail or as it is also known as dead letter hail. (I know it was supposed be hell but that doesn't rhyme very well.) Oh, what a frustrating mail horror tale.

O Lord Jesus

 O Lord Jesus                                                           By Danny C. Wash O Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus. All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved promises the Word of  God. Weighed down with this life’s heavy load. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. Mired in the slime of your chosen road. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. Sinking into the sea of sin and strife. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. Caught in the entangling sin nets of this life. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. Facing a challenge that seems unsolvable. Call up the name of the Lord Jesus. Looking into an outcome that looks unstoppable. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. Jesus said to them, “With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible.” So cry out, O Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus and He will come with His salvation no doubt.

The Aromas of Life

  The Aromas of Life                                                 By Danny C. Wash As I lay here thinking about things, I suddenly remembered the aromas– the smells of my life. Come along with me and see what you remember, too. I can still recall when we would drive by the bread  bakery and the comforting aroma of that yeasty bread baking. The smell of movie popcorn popping in the theater lobby. The strong aroma of ground coffee when we cut open the  Folgers can. What about that smell of the Sunday pot roast. The smell of the interior of a new car. The sacred smell  of your mother ready for church. Your Dad’s Aqua Velva  after shave. Remember the teenage boys whose oily hair  smelled of Wildroot Cream-Oil or Vitalis hair oil. The gentle  sweet odor of lilacs or a field of lavender. Bacon frying anytime.  Vanilla extract or hot apple pie with cinnamon and ice cream on top. Was there anything better than the smell of a just bathed  baby rubbed from head to foot with baby lotion and a

The New Year

The New Year                                                     by Danny C. Wash Wake up sleeper, a new year is here what’s the matter, do you have a fear? Afraid of a big surprise, something out of nowhere? Thinking about last year as unexpected events did appear, I had some big ones & little presents but that’s just life having these events. Accept these coming events in stride because it does no good to just hide. The Bible says to place all of your  anxiety upon God –  He cares for you and we know His word is always true. So, walk bravely into life’s fog knowing that God loves & has you.

The Wind

 The Wind                                                                                by Danny C. Wash Blowing, flowing, whipping, & twirling, The hard wind races through the trees, that creak and groan as their limbs bend from the power of the wind. Snap– a limb crashes to the ground. A  jagged short limb is all that remains. The wind rushes to the next tree pushing hard to break another one free from the limb loaded tree. The wind searches for weaknesses and moves on from strong limbs making them stronger by the pressure of the wind. The wind passes over, under, and around; ever searching, ever pushing, ever filling. No one has ever seen the wind, only its effects. Jesus watched the effects of the wind and said, "the wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know  where it comes from and where it is going;  so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." Are you born of the Spirit from above that changes your spirit, so people can see

The Light of the Son

 The Light of the Son                                           by Danny C. Wash It may seem that in almost every way we are more sinful before God every day  as the bright light of Jesus, the Son, exposes the imperfections of everyone, which were being overlooked by some, until being exposed to the light of that One, Whose brilliant light outshines the other sun. The answer is not like Adam & Eve to not face God when they realized their sin; but to embrace  the light of the Son & receive God’s mercy & grace. We are to walk daily in the Son’s cleansing light and all our sins are removed from His sight, forgiven by Jesus’ blood & we are made right. Though our faults & sins were scarlet red the blood of Jesus makes them snow white.  When we confess our sins to Him we begin like new our full fellowship in the Son’s light & we find He is faithful & just to forgive our sin. (“ If we walk in the light as He Himself is in  the light, we have fellowship with one ano

The Race

 The Race                                                        by Danny C. Wash "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and  perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:1). "... let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions."(Galatians 5:16-17 NLT).   “We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (1Corinthians 10:5) But we have the mind of  Christ." (1 Corinthians 2:16) What is this race we are told to run? Is this a race we are to run just for fun?   No, this is a race set before us by

Old Manhood

Old Manhood                                                        by Danny C. Wash Old manhood is a state of body and mind and if you aren’t careful you will also find that when you get to that stage of your life, it can cause you to have a lot more strife. Being set in our ways is one of the first signs. Grouchiness is also a way we may resign into a permanent state of sad decline. As the old man said, “there’s been many a change in my life and I’ve been agin’ every one of em’.” Many, can say, “me too.” Another old sign is boring people through talking about what the prices were back then and lamenting about what we would do when we were young. Another is claiming the songs of old were better when we were young & strong. Repeating the same stories time and time again to anyone who will listen to the way it was back then, is when we know we are caught in the trap of old men.  But, perhaps it’s not too late to be free from this state if we will realize our condition & resolve t