The Hard Part

 The Hard Part                            

  by Danny C. Wash

Whenever I do most anything

There is always what I call,

The Hard Part.

If I do a plumbing repair,

There is always the part when the

Bolt strips, the valve doesn’t fit

Or I don’t have the right tool.

That’s the hard part to deal with.

When trying to solve a problem

And the numbers don’t come out right,

That’s the hard part.  You name it,

Every task seems to have a hard part and

When you lick the problem and overcome

The hard part, the rest is easy and it’s over.

Life just has a lot of hard parts doesn’t it?

You may be in a hard part right now.

That’s the time when you have to decide,

Am I going to find a way to victory or am I  giving up. 

Finding a solution makes the reward of the task even

Greater, when we persevere and triumph over

The Hard Part.

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