The Warming Sun

 The Warming Sun                                

   By Danny C. Wash

The bright sun’s warming rays

on this cold mid-winter day

began 93 million miles away

as the sun’s gasses leap & twirl

exploding into heat & unfurl

into rays of brilliant white light

that shoots through miles of space

into my back without leaving a trace

except for the wonderful warm feeling

of heat as it stirs the blood & healing

of my aching stiff back from the cold.

My dog looks at me standing there old

in the warm sun and gives me his stare

as only he can when it’s time to eat.

All of this wonder around us of heat

& light but all he wants is his bowl of meat.

Anyway, the sun is melting into the earth,

as darkness creeps in giving the cold its new birth.

So, in I go turning up my furnace for all its worth.

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