The Wind

 The Wind                                                               

 by Danny C. Wash

Blowing, flowing, whipping, & twirling,

The hard wind races through the trees,

that creak and groan as their limbs

bend from the power of the wind.

Snap– a limb crashes to the ground.

A  jagged short limb is all that remains.

The wind rushes to the next tree

pushing hard to break another one

free from the limb loaded tree.

The wind searches for weaknesses

and moves on from strong limbs making

them stronger by the pressure of the wind.

The wind passes over, under, and around;

ever searching, ever pushing, ever filling.

No one has ever seen the wind, only its effects.

Jesus watched the effects of the wind and said,

"the wind blows where it wishes and you

hear the sound of it, but do not know 

where it comes from and where it is going; 

so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

Are you born of the Spirit from above that

changes your spirit, so people can see & hear

your outer person but cannot understand

the secret of your inner person of the spirit,

so that no one knows where you are going 

or what your inner spirit is really doing? 

This secret is Christ in you and you in Christ, 

through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is always 

moving, for the wind cannot be a wind unless 

it is in constant motion. So is the Spirit of the 

Lord; always, testing, trying, searching in us for 

whatever is not from God; finding weaknesses 

and either breaking them or removing and

replacing them with power from above. The

mysterious wind of the Holy Spirit knows where

it is going & what its task is to accomplish in us.

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