The Light of the Son

 The Light of the Son                                

  by Danny C. Wash

It may seem that in almost every way

we are more sinful before God every day 

as the bright light of Jesus, the Son,

exposes the imperfections of everyone,

which were being overlooked by some,

until being exposed to the light of that One,

Whose brilliant light outshines the other sun.

The answer is not like Adam & Eve to not face

God when they realized their sin; but to embrace 

the light of the Son & receive God’s mercy & grace.

We are to walk daily in the Son’s cleansing light

and all our sins are removed from His sight,

forgiven by Jesus’ blood & we are made right.

Though our faults & sins were scarlet red

the blood of Jesus makes them snow white. 

When we confess our sins to Him we begin

like new our full fellowship in the Son’s light

& we find He is faithful & just to forgive our sin.

(“If we walk in the light as He Himself is in 

the light, we have fellowship with one another

and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from 

all sin....If we confess our sins, he is faithful and

 just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us 

from all unrighteousness..” 1John 1: 7,9)

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