Old Manhood

Old Manhood                                            

 by Danny C. Wash

Old manhood is a state of body and mind

and if you aren’t careful you will also find

that when you get to that stage of your life,

it can cause you to have a lot more strife.

Being set in our ways is one of the first signs.

Grouchiness is also a way we may resign

into a permanent state of sad decline.

As the old man said, “there’s been many

a change in my life and I’ve been agin’

every one of em’.” Many, can say, “me too.”

Another old sign is boring people through

talking about what the prices were back then

and lamenting about what we would do when

we were young. Another is claiming the songs

of old were better when we were young & strong.

Repeating the same stories time and time again

to anyone who will listen to the way it was back then,

is when we know we are caught in the trap of old men. 

But, perhaps it’s not too late to be free from this state

if we will realize our condition & resolve to avoid this fate. 

Refuse to continue any further into this mental state.

Turn round & walk, no run; okay, perhaps hobble then

towards an attitude of positivity, kindness, & joy again.

(The author is old and qualified to speak on this subject.)

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