The Aromas of Life

 The Aromas of Life                                    

   By Danny C. Wash

As I lay here thinking about things, I suddenly

remembered the aromas– the smells of my life.

Come along with me and see what you remember, too.

I can still recall when we would drive by the bread 

bakery and the comforting aroma of that yeasty bread baking.

The smell of movie popcorn popping in the theater lobby.

The strong aroma of ground coffee when we cut open the 

Folgers can. What about that smell of the Sunday pot roast.

The smell of the interior of a new car. The sacred smell 

of your mother ready for church. Your Dad’s Aqua Velva 

after shave. Remember the teenage boys whose oily hair 

smelled of Wildroot Cream-Oil or Vitalis hair oil. The gentle 

sweet odor of lilacs or a field of lavender. Bacon frying anytime. 

Vanilla extract or hot apple pie with cinnamon and ice cream

on top. Was there anything better than the smell of a just bathed 

baby rubbed from head to foot with baby lotion and a powdered 

bottom. What about a puppy’s breath.The fresh smell of rain or 

newly mown grass. The pungent smell of a crackling wood fire 

outdoors on a cool night. The original Jergens hand lotion. Fresh 

mint from the garden broken and crushed in your hand. What 

about the strong odor of linseed oil in a well-worn baseball glove. 

The clean smell of  Clorox bleach. All of these aromas call up 

pleasant memories that are stored around these smells, reminding us 

of other times, other places, and the people we love or loved.

So, keep on sniffing and don’t forget to pause and smell the roses.


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