
Showing posts from December, 2023

My Father’s House

 My Father’s House                                                  By Danny C. Wash In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so,  would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again  and receive you to Myself, that where I am, you may be  also.” John 14:2  “Come to Me, all you who labor and are  heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 O Lord, in Your house there is room for all. Room for the sick.  Room for the hungry.  Room for the lonely.  Room for the fearful. Room for those burdened by sin. Room for those burdened by laws. Room for everyone, whatever the problem. But God’s house is not a physical building or rooms in Heaven. It is a person– Jesus Christ. And the place is in Him, as His physical Body  on Earth, which is Christ’s Church and is all  those who have received the Holy Spirit and  are trusting in Jesus as their Savior. Jesus gives  us rest because He gave God the rest He

Scars of Life

Scars of Life                                                          by Danny C. Wash Ouch, that’s going to leave a scar we say when something cuts deep. The wound heals but it leaves a mar in that place which we may forever keep. Wounds to our mind can also leave a scar. An unkind or hateful word can make us weep and can affect our image of who we are. Words can be flaming arrows burning deep into our emotions creating anger we keep inside to fester and grow like an infection that spreads in our mind causing dejection. Even if we forgive, the scar is still there reminding us of the cause of the inner tear. How do we deal with the memories which cannot be forgotten and keep out of the snare of unforgiveness and hate which we should fear? The balm of time heals most wounds but scars do persist and must somehow be boldly faced. Accept the memory scar and it we should embrace to use as a reminder to pray for God’s grace & blessing on those who have hurt & scarred us. Shun self p

The Smell Test

 The Smell Test                                                           By Danny C. Wash When dogs meet and greet the first social ritual must be the smell test. A sniff here  and a big smell back there tells each smeller much about the other. “Hmm,” thinks the one, “he’s been feeding on Purina dry dog food, with a bit of chicken.” The other smells that this one has been eating delicious meat of horse. Also, each dog has it’s own special identifying scent others can recognize. The next chore is determining who is  the leader of the pack in this gathering. What is the pecking order. It matters not the size of the dog, it’s which has the “big dog” attitude and demeanor. The next ritual for the male dogs is  the marking of the territory with a peeing contest as to which can cover the other’s mark. When each runs dry it makes no difference as they continue the hiking. People can be much like this in social  gatherings but not with the smelling and  marking as dogs, but still do so as the

The Three Wise Men

The Three Wise Men                                       by Danny C. Wash The wise men from the east all three were a heavenly type of the trinity, who came to Bethlehem in the night, after days of following the star’s guiding light. They arrived seeking the prophecy to behold the One which the words long written of old by the prophet Micah of the One baby foretold, Who was to become the Jews future king. Having arrived where the star would hold, they entered that place with the gifts they did bring.  They offered gold symbolizing him as a King.  They gave frankincense for worship as divine and myrrh as an anointing for His death as a sign. The three fell down to worship and thereby proclaim His divinity & then left to return from where they came. O’ holy night, O’ night divine, the angel’s songs acclaim!

The Mystery of the Trinity

 The Mystery of the Trinity                                   by Danny C. Wash “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our  image, according to Our likeness.’” Genesis  1:26. “Then the lord God said, ‘Behold the  man has become like one of  Us, knowing  good and evil...’” Genesis 3:22 O’ great mystery of the Trinity, the mighty Godhead– Three in One dwelling in an imponderable infinity of pure light brighter than the sun with no beginning no end– the Triune; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit three, distinct in essence but not separate in their union together they agree, so that the three always cooperate. And they work together in unison. The Father is the one who initiates, the Son, Jesus Christ, communicates to the Holy Spirit who then substantiates the action required as God’s will. So, when we use the word God, we mean the Three, but One still. We must think of God as One–  The Father, the Spirit and the Son. Much as we think of our body as one but having many parts inside this one.

An Email to a Friend About What Christians Believe

 An Email to a Friend About What Christians Believe                                                                                                                                                       David , I  enjoyed talking with you about Judaism and Christianity.  I could tell you have a real interest in spiritual matters.   When we were talking we didn’t have a chance to finish our discussion about the Christian concept of God being One God. First, let me say that the below is not to be taken as an argument against your beliefs, it is just a statement of what I believe most Christians believe.   As I said, Christians believe that God is One, in the sense that the Godhead is three in One- the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (what has been called “the Trinity”). The three are distinct personalities, but are not separate, in Christian thought. How that really works is one of the mysteries of our belief.  As you may know (and I don’t know your level of knowledge abo

A Walk in the Park

 A Walk in the Park                                                by Danny C. Wash It’s Sunday in the park and its fifty-five degrees. The sun is shining brightly with a very light breeze. The November leaves on the path are swirling around my feet, chasing each other while twirling. I feel the sunlight’s rays warming my cold body, like a winter warming fire or a welcome hot toddy. Up ahead on the path a squirrel is madly digging in the dirt for a pecan that must have gone missing. His mate is peering down from a limb of a tree chattering a loud noise as if to warn him of me. To my left is a small pond with ducks afloat and a young couple relaxing in a small boat. A bench arrives as I walk & I decide on it to sit, as along comes a young lady looking very fit. I say “good afternoon” & she does not even reply. So, I try again thinking she’s perhaps a little shy. I offer a seat next to me, to which she says “oh, no” and then I see why, as up walks her very large beau. Her beau g