A Walk in the Park

 A Walk in the Park                                    

  by Danny C. Wash

It’s Sunday in the park and its fifty-five degrees.

The sun is shining brightly with a very light breeze.

The November leaves on the path are swirling

around my feet, chasing each other while twirling.

I feel the sunlight’s rays warming my cold body,

like a winter warming fire or a welcome hot toddy.

Up ahead on the path a squirrel is madly digging

in the dirt for a pecan that must have gone missing.

His mate is peering down from a limb of a tree

chattering a loud noise as if to warn him of me.

To my left is a small pond with ducks afloat

and a young couple relaxing in a small boat.

A bench arrives as I walk & I decide on it to sit,

as along comes a young lady looking very fit.

I say “good afternoon” & she does not even reply.

So, I try again thinking she’s perhaps a little shy.

I offer a seat next to me, to which she says “oh, no”

and then I see why, as up walks her very large beau.

Her beau glares at me and asks if I’m bothering her.

She said “no” & I decide to go before he causes a stir,

giving me a broken nose that would be forever bent. 

A Sunday walk in the park can be a wonderful event,

unless you ask a lady to sit with you, who has a burly gent.

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