Scars of Life

Scars of Life                                            

  by Danny C. Wash

Ouch, that’s going to leave a scar

we say when something cuts deep.

The wound heals but it leaves a mar

in that place which we may forever keep.

Wounds to our mind can also leave a scar.

An unkind or hateful word can make us weep

and can affect our image of who we are.

Words can be flaming arrows burning deep

into our emotions creating anger we keep

inside to fester and grow like an infection

that spreads in our mind causing dejection.

Even if we forgive, the scar is still there

reminding us of the cause of the inner tear.

How do we deal with the memories which

cannot be forgotten and keep out of the snare

of unforgiveness and hate which we should fear?

The balm of time heals most wounds but scars

do persist and must somehow be boldly faced.

Accept the memory scar and it we should embrace

to use as a reminder to pray for God’s grace

& blessing on those who have hurt & scarred us.

Shun self pity and resentment with great haste 

as we would run from a deadly poisonous snake

& God will provide abundant grace for us to take

to abandon those thoughts we need to forsake.

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