The Smell Test

 The Smell Test                                        

      By Danny C. Wash

When dogs meet and greet

the first social ritual must

be the smell test. A sniff here 

and a big smell back there

tells each smeller much about

the other. “Hmm,” thinks the one,

“he’s been feeding on Purina

dry dog food, with a bit of chicken.”

The other smells that this one has

been eating delicious meat of horse.

Also, each dog has it’s own special

identifying scent others can recognize.

The next chore is determining who is 

the leader of the pack in this gathering.

What is the pecking order. It matters

not the size of the dog, it’s which has

the “big dog” attitude and demeanor.

The next ritual for the male dogs is 

the marking of the territory with a peeing

contest as to which can cover the other’s

mark. When each runs dry it makes no

difference as they continue the hiking.

People can be much like this in social 

gatherings but not with the smelling and 

marking as dogs, but still do so as they

determine these things in their own

peculiar human ways and interactions.

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