The Three Wise Men

The Three Wise Men                            

 by Danny C. Wash

The wise men from the east all three

were a heavenly type of the trinity,

who came to Bethlehem in the night,

after days of following the star’s guiding light.

They arrived seeking the prophecy to behold

the One which the words long written of old

by the prophet Micah of the One baby foretold,

Who was to become the Jews future king.

Having arrived where the star would hold,

they entered that place with the gifts they did bring. 

They offered gold symbolizing him as a King. 

They gave frankincense for worship as divine

and myrrh as an anointing for His death as a sign.

The three fell down to worship and thereby proclaim

His divinity & then left to return from where they came.

O’ holy night, O’ night divine, the angel’s songs acclaim!

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