The Mystery of the Trinity

 The Mystery of the Trinity                        

    by Danny C. Wash

“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our 
image, according to Our likeness.’” Genesis 
1:26. “Then the lord God said, ‘Behold the 
man has become like one of  Us, knowing 
good and evil...’” Genesis 3:22

O’ great mystery of the Trinity,

the mighty Godhead– Three in One

dwelling in an imponderable infinity

of pure light brighter than the sun

with no beginning no end– the Triune;

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit three,

distinct in essence but not separate

in their union together they agree,

so that the three always cooperate.

And they work together in unison.

The Father is the one who initiates,

the Son, Jesus Christ, communicates

to the Holy Spirit who then substantiates

the action required as God’s will.

So, when we use the word God,

we mean the Three, but One still.

We must think of God as One– 

The Father, the Spirit and the Son.

Much as we think of our body as one

but having many parts inside this one.

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