
From “The Gospel of God”

From “The Gospel of God”                                                         by Watchman Nee What is Christianity? Christianity does not tell the sons of Adam to do good. That is not Christianity. Christianity says that Adam has been crucified and removed and that the Adamic race has been annihilated through the cross of the Lord Jesus. Man in Christ receives a new life and becomes a new race. The law is useless for the new race, for there is no such thing as law in the new race. The law was given by God to the sons of Adam to expose their sins. If one wants to be saved through keeping the law, he has to realize the serious consequence of the phrase keeping the law. Once man keeps the law, he will have righteousness. But this righteousness would be of the flesh. In other words, it would mean that the sons of Adam, that is, the Adamic race, need not die. It would mean that man can please God with his flesh. Perhaps one would argue that he does not mean to keep the whole law, that


Limericks                                                            by Danny C. Wash The Young Lady from France There was a young lady from France who wore a dress and pink underpants when she would spin and twirl and dance and whirl the boys would all fall into a trance Old Age My age is beginning to show because I’m starting to slow my hair is now gray so what more can I say but hello to old age where I go. The Toy Boa t When I was but a young boy I had a small boat for a toy and in my bath with it I would play until it did sink under the water one day and was then no longer there to enjoy. A Dog Named Spot There once was a big dog named Spot who was white with lots of brown dots All the people said how strange does that dog have the mange No, but he does roll in the mud a lot. 

At My Feet

  At My Feet                                                           by Danny C. Wash When he was but a puppy stumbling and jumping around he would follow me everywhere in and around my feet almost tangling into them but as he grew he simply walked behind me no matter where, as if a string connected us, that pulled  him along the path to the bedroom, the kitchen and yes, even the bathroom. Always watching me, seeking approval, a hand patting his head or back constantly looking with the loyalty of a slave whose  only thought was to please and be with me  laying at my feet as if in worship and then  as we grew older together he slowed some  but would still struggle to climb up the stairs  so that he could lay at my feet and sleep and  then there was that night that he came close  and lay down at my feet–  for the last time.

Jack and Jill Out of Gas

  Jack and Jill Out of Gas                                          by Danny C. Wash Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of $4 gasoline but their money it was very lean and down they rolled with nil. Jill said why don’t we ride the bus. Jack headed for the corner to wait and sit on the bench with his mate,  how to get money they did discuss.  Jack asked Jill if she had any more, but in her purse were only pennies four, realizing that money they had none so the riding of the bus was not done. And that’s the sad story of Jack and Jill having no funds which is not so funny and are not able their gas tank to fill until Jack gets his pay and has some money.

The Thorn Tree

 The Thorn Tree                                               by Danny C. Wash The thorn crown is on my head. Blood trickles down into my eyes, burning like fire. I can feel my heart pounding and I can hardly breath. Each breath requires me to lift myself up a little in order to breath and when I do I feel the pain of my feet and hands tearing a little. The soldiers have beaten me with their whips and reviled me. O, Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.  The thorn pricks, dig deep and remind of the curse on all mankind  and all of the earth because of sin. Father, I take this curse upon  My head and My entire body, so that those who believe may escape  the curse of sin and death through Me. Father, I hang here on this  cross in pain, agony, and humiliation, so You may lay upon Me, the  sins of the world, drinking this cup of evil sin to the dregs, as the  perfect sacrificial lamb of God, that You may have One representing  all, yet I have committed no sin or depa

Labor of Love

 Labor of Love                                                    by Danny C. Wash " To the woman He [God] said, ‘I will greatly  multiply your [Eve] pain in childbirth, in pain  you shall bring forth children...” Genesis 3:16 The childbirth labor of love was put upon Eve from above. Out of her labor pains of birth  the inhabitants of the earth were born into this domain. This curse of Eve’s birth pain was the result of her sin and was a forerunner and type of Christ’s passion & pain upon the cross as He was slain.  We were in Him by God’s favor and through His pain of labor, on the cross and His rejection, caused not by His sin but ours, we, as His body & church, were born as a new race by God’s direction onto this earth that Sunday morn in His resurrection after He was torn.

The Obstacles of Life

 The Obstacles of Life                                       By Danny C. Wash Forward thru the obstacles of life against the misfortunes we endure, so our battle cry into the strife may pierce the resistance as a knife in hope that our victory is sure. The enemy is our doubts and fears of failure and & the resulting pain but we must embrace the tears and learn from defeat to hold dear, as a lesson to possibly lead us to gain. What is the victory we desire? What is it you want to behold in your life to withstand the fire, that will test our work with its ire And will withstand it like gold. The finest prize we should seek, The ultimate reward to be sought can only be gained by being meek to come before our Lord as weak, trusting in His grace as we ought. The way to our Lord’s reward of “well done” is through death to our self-will & pride, by complete & utter dependence on the Son to accomplish His will in us when done, so we are resting in Him where we abide.

Onward Through the Fog

 Onward Through the Fog                                   By Danny C. Wash Onward, onward through the fog of life. On the road we walk the way is not always clear. It can be full of all kinds of woe and strife. Things that go bump in the night & cause us fear How can we know whether to go left or right? If we go this way it may lead us off a cliff to a fall. Will that road lead us out of the darkness of night or perhaps we will run headlong into a brick wall. What we need is a guide through this fog to safety. Then we see perhaps a beacon shining through to us. Is this someone who will lead us that we can trust? Forward we go straight toward this beacon of hope, But what if it’s the light of a train, I thought in distrust. The way is not clear so we must learn how to cope with these uncertainties doing our best to stay upright and learn how to walk carefully on life’s tightrope; Until the time we begin to walk by faith, not sight. Only One knows the sure way out of any coming wrath

The Fire

  The Fire                                                           by Danny C. Wash “ F or no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, each one’s work  will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each one’s work. If anyone’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet only so as through fire ” 1Cor. 3:11-13 The fire burning, burning, burning bright turning into smoke & ash everything in sight. Burning, burning, burning both day and night. What will we do when it comes for us to inspect, Searching, selecting, seeking for what it can detect. The raging fire does as it will without permission in it’s appointed purpose and deadly mission to

The Warming Sun

 The Warming Sun                                           By Danny C. Wash The bright sun’s warming rays on this cold mid-winter day began 93 million miles away as the sun’s gasses leap & twirl exploding into heat & unfurl into rays of brilliant white light that shoots through miles of space into my back without leaving a trace except for the wonderful warm feeling of heat as it stirs the blood & healing of my aching stiff back from the cold. My dog looks at me standing there old in the warm sun and gives me his stare as only he can when it’s time to eat. All of this wonder around us of heat & light but all he wants is his bowl of meat. Anyway, the sun is melting into the earth, as darkness creeps in giving the cold its new birth. So, in I go turning up my furnace for all its worth.