The Thorn Tree

 The Thorn Tree                                    

 by Danny C. Wash

The thorn crown is on my head.

Blood trickles down into my eyes, burning like fire.

I can feel my heart pounding and I can hardly breath.

Each breath requires me to lift myself up a little in order to breath

and when I do I feel the pain of my feet and hands tearing a little.

The soldiers have beaten me with their whips and reviled me.

O, Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. 

The thorn pricks, dig deep and remind of the curse on all mankind 

and all of the earth because of sin. Father, I take this curse upon 

My head and My entire body, so that those who believe may escape 

the curse of sin and death through Me. Father, I hang here on this 

cross in pain, agony, and humiliation, so You may lay upon Me, the 

sins of the world, drinking this cup of evil sin to the dregs, as the 

perfect sacrificial lamb of God, that You may have One representing 

all, yet I have committed no sin or departed from Your will in this life. 

I lay down My life in our love, that You may have a righteous and worthy 

person, as the scapegoat to receive the punishment and Your righteous

anger against all sin and disobedience of those I represent from the 

beginning of time until its end. Father, I am the reality of the figure 

of the evil brass serpent, lifted up by Moses in the wilderness of sin to 

which You have promised if anyone looks at Me in faith will be healed 

of the venom of the serpent satan, who bit mankind and put his evil 

venom of sin in all through the first Adam, though I have not it in Me. 

Father, it’s growing deathly dark and I feel You have forsaken Me now 

because I have become the embodiment of sin and unrighteousness, 

which You cannot touch, so You have withdrawn from me for a moment. 

I cannot help but cry out to You in this rejection and loneliness, that

I have never before felt. Father I have entered into the worst pain and 

emptiness of all. I am now sin and unrighteousness. Father, I have never 

been alone from You, but I am now and I feel the power of Your anger 

and punishment of Sin  upon Me, tearing through my body. The body pain, 

the immense pain is bad, but the soul pain of separation from You and 

the weight of all sin is almost unbearable. I am weak and my life is fading

because You are not with Me in this pain and agony, for these last moments. 

O Father receive my spirit, as it departs this tortured body into Your care. 

Now, I see Your face and I am received by You. Now, I am with You again, 

relief at last, as I have left the forsaken body of sin, the wilderness of 

Golgotha, and the thorn tree through death, to be with You, as You have come 

to rest from Your poured out wrath onto Me.  I will be with You for awhile 

in peace and victory, as We wait for the third day and My resurrection.

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