Labor of Love

 Labor of Love                                        

 by Danny C. Wash

"To the woman He [God] said, ‘I will greatly 
multiply your [Eve] pain in childbirth, in pain 
you shall bring forth children...” Genesis 3:16

The childbirth labor of love

was put upon Eve from above.

Out of her labor pains of birth 

the inhabitants of the earth

were born into this domain.

This curse of Eve’s birth pain

was the result of her sin

and was a forerunner and type

of Christ’s passion & pain

upon the cross as He was slain. 

We were in Him by God’s favor

and through His pain of labor,

on the cross and His rejection,

caused not by His sin but ours,

we, as His body & church, were born

as a new race by God’s direction

onto this earth that Sunday morn

in His resurrection after He was torn.

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