Onward Through the Fog

 Onward Through the Fog                        

   By Danny C. Wash

Onward, onward through the fog of life.

On the road we walk the way is not always clear.

It can be full of all kinds of woe and strife.

Things that go bump in the night & cause us fear

How can we know whether to go left or right?

If we go this way it may lead us off a cliff to a fall.

Will that road lead us out of the darkness of night

or perhaps we will run headlong into a brick wall.

What we need is a guide through this fog to safety.

Then we see perhaps a beacon shining through to us.

Is this someone who will lead us that we can trust?

Forward we go straight toward this beacon of hope,

But what if it’s the light of a train, I thought in distrust.

The way is not clear so we must learn how to cope

with these uncertainties doing our best to stay upright

and learn how to walk carefully on life’s tightrope;

Until the time we begin to walk by faith, not sight.

Only One knows the sure way out of any coming wrath

in the dense fog, the dark, the light, the day and night.

Trust in the Lord only and  He will direct our path.

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