
The Battle of the Ages

The Battle of the Ages                                    By Danny C. Wash     “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.   For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.   Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.   Stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth,[of the Word and Gospel] and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,   and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace;  in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is

Freedom (Long Version)

Freedom                                 by Danny C. Wash “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 The Spirit of the Lord dwells in me , and because of this I know I’m free. But, free from what is the question. Free to do what I like is the suggestion. But from where does this idea arise? Well, that thought is of no little surprise. It is from the one who claims to be wise, but is the one who is the father of all lies. We were freed from the very one who tries to trap us back into his web of sin and deceit, so that this will lead us into the jaws of defeat. We were bought by God for a very great price with the blood of His Son Jesus to be precise to satisfy our debt of sin being unpayable by us, Jesus came to Earth to identify with man and by thus to represent all, to go to the death of the cross to satisfy God’s wrath against all our sin requiring death to buy such a great release for all that believe in Him to preven


Freedom                                                              by Danny C. Wash “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 The Spirit of the Lord dwells in me, and because of this I know I’m free. But, free from what is the question. Free to do what I like is the suggestion. But from where does this idea arise? Well, that thought is of no little surprise. It is from the one who claims to be wise, but is the one who is the father of all lies. We were freed from the very one who tries to trap us back into his web of sin and deceit, so that this will lead us into the jaws of defeat. The Holy Spirit warns us when to retreat, to abide in Him who is our protection and rest, and through His power to endure the test. We have access daily to the Holy Spirit to win and be set free in Him from the power of all sin, to become a prisoner of the Lord & His grace & love to permit us to walk in His freedom from above.

The Wanderer

 The Wanderer                                                     by Danny C. Wash I wandered around from town to town. from place to place leaving little trace. I wandered from here to there with nothing becoming clear. I wandered with no aim with none caring even of my name while hoping for a little fame. I tried a little of this and that which all usually fell flat. Then, the answer came to me, and I knew what was the key. I was not where I needed to be and I now had to become free. I had been a constant wanderer but now I must become a wonderer. I must look with wonder at others and all God’s creation of races and colors, as important like sisters and brothers. And, if at times, I continue to wander, I must become a wondering wanderer to give others the wonder of real love, which I pray be given to me from above.

The Crooked Stick

The Crooked Stick                                                 by Danny C. Wash                                     As I wandered through a forest among the beautiful shade trees I remembered Who made them. Who planted them and formed them. Who caused them to grow upwards. Who allowed their limbs to form and then permitted them to grow outward in a straight or crooked way. And then I saw limbs on the forest floor, some straight & some bent, broken & crooked, having been shed to fall upon the ground. I bent and picked up one straight like an arrow and used it as a stick to draw a straight line in the dirt. And, then I picked up a broken & crooked small limb of no use in the world for even a simple walking stick. I used this stick to draw a straight line with no difference. Then I knew that God was revealing that so can He use me, a bent, broken, & crooked stick, to also draw a straight line. Be of good cheer, all of you broken & crooked sticks like me. In God’s h

Out on a Limb

Out on a Limb                                               by Danny C. Wash Out on a limb, that’s always him or flying real high up in the blue sky, with no parachute. Ain’t he a real beaut, taking all those risks, it’s a wonder he still exists, speeding over all the limits, cause he’s late several minutes, pushing the boundaries to the max and them’s just the true facts. I keep tryin’ to slow him down but all I get is a big ole frown. That boy’s gonna drive me insane or maybe all my worry is in vain and he will come out of this mess to become a really great success. Or maybe not, but he’s still mine and I hope he will someday be fine.

The Storm and the Storm Cellar

The Storm and the Storm Cellar                                                   by Danny C. Wash The storm clouds were thick and black approaching from the North with thunder rumbling and lightning flashing across the sky like bright crooked knives of energy stabbing whatever unlucky thing they touched on the ground. My dog, Rex, took refuge under the couch where he always hid whenever he heard the rolling thunder. I called it his “fortress of solitude” like Superman’s, only it was his place of security from the sounds. It was dark and the rain began, at first with small drops, but it soon came down in waves with small hail pelting on our tin roof sounding like a combination of snare drums and cymbals from a drummer gone wild. The wind was beginning to howl louder and louder.  It was 1954. I was nine years old living with my parents  Mother switched on the Philco table top radio and twisted  the tuner dial to the station that had weather news to see if any of the storm watchers had s

The Eighties

 The Eighties                                                                by Danny C. Wash Now that I’m on the porch of the door to the eighties (not the decade which was the worst, the age I mean). I must declare the good/bad portion of older old age. When you move into what I call “eightiesville,” you become different to all behind you on the walk of life. To them you are in a different place, a different zip code. Also thereafter, when you die, no one will say, “Well at least they didn’t die young,” which is of small comfort. You can look forward to everyone excusing your clothes. You can tell the same story again and again and no one will embarrass you by calling you out on it. You can say things like, “don’tcha know” or “when I was a kid” or “those young-uns are going to hell in a handbasket” or “I can remember when (fill in the blank).” You can tell people what stuff now, cost in 1960 and they will just smile and mentally pat you on the head. You will no longer be upset with s

The Hole in the Woods

The Hole in the Woods                                    by Danny C. Wash A bear in the woods was enjoying a stroll when his front paw found a deep hole. The bear exclaimed, “who dug this hole here, was it a mole or was it a trap for a deer?” “I have broken my bear foot, I do fear.” The owl from a tree said, “ I know who.” And then flew down and told what he knew. “Last night, I saw a rabbit digging tis true, it was a white rabbit with both feet in view,  as he dug his rabbit hole with furious speed, but he was not the only one who did this deed. There was a black rabbit watching and waiting for the hole to be thoroughly dug quite deep and then the dark rabbit into the hole did leap. The white rabbit also did quickly jump and follow, as both rabbits fell into the muddy hole to wallow. The bear with his aching foot looked at the owl and his foot and in much pain he did loudly howl “someone must cover that rabbit hole with dirt before some other unfortunate creature is hurt.” And then, f

An Evening with Maddie

 An Evening with Maddie                                       By Danny C. Wash The little girl with a blue bow in her hair was dressing her doll in her doll closet. Her name was  Maddie. Her mother was in the girl’s room cleaning. Out the window, the mother could see the wind in the trees swaying the leafy limbs this way and that while the yellow calico cat named Queenie sat on  the window sill, very still, staring out the same window. The cat was looking at another cat on the ground perhaps wondering if the cat was one she knew. The little girl said, “Mommy have you seem Virginia’s  blue shoes? Virginia was the doll’s name and her favorite. Mommy replied, “yes, I think I saw them on the bed.” The girl said, “Virginia needs the blue shoes to match  her dress because she is going to the ball later tonight.” Maddie was five years old. Her Daddy was at work and he usually came home by six each day for dinner. Maddie had several dolls in her doll closet and she played with them most of th