The Crooked Stick

The Crooked Stick                                      

by Danny C. Wash

As I wandered through a forest

among the beautiful shade trees

I remembered Who made them.

Who planted them and formed them.

Who caused them to grow upwards.

Who allowed their limbs to form

and then permitted them to grow

outward in a straight or crooked way.

And then I saw limbs on the forest floor,

some straight & some bent, broken & crooked,

having been shed to fall upon the ground.

I bent and picked up one straight like an arrow

and used it as a stick to draw a straight line in the dirt.

And, then I picked up a broken & crooked small limb

of no use in the world for even a simple walking stick.

I used this stick to draw a straight line with no difference.

Then I knew that God was revealing that so can He use me,

a bent, broken, & crooked stick, to also draw a straight line.

Be of good cheer, all of you broken & crooked sticks like me.

In God’s hand, He can use us bent ones with little worldly worth

to make straight lines upon the human dust and dirt of this old Earth.

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