The Hole in the Woods

The Hole in the Woods                            

by Danny C. Wash

A bear in the woods was enjoying a stroll

when his front paw found a deep hole.

The bear exclaimed, “who dug this hole here,

was it a mole or was it a trap for a deer?”

“I have broken my bear foot, I do fear.”

The owl from a tree said, “ I know who.”

And then flew down and told what he knew.

“Last night, I saw a rabbit digging tis true,

it was a white rabbit with both feet in view, 

as he dug his rabbit hole with furious speed,

but he was not the only one who did this deed.

There was a black rabbit watching and waiting

for the hole to be thoroughly dug quite deep

and then the dark rabbit into the hole did leap.

The white rabbit also did quickly jump and follow,

as both rabbits fell into the muddy hole to wallow.

The bear with his aching foot looked at the owl

and his foot and in much pain he did loudly howl

“someone must cover that rabbit hole with dirt

before some other unfortunate creature is hurt.”

And then, from behind a tree appeared the mole, 

who spoke to the bear and said, “I can fill the hole.”

The bear looked at the old mole and said, “then fill

that disastrous hole of misery until it is a dirt hill.”

The mole began to throw dirt upon the open hole

but then appeared a black rabbit shouting to the mole,

“Wait please, my friend and I now in this hole do live

and if you fill in our home, this we cannot forgive.

The mole said, “the bear told me to fill in the hole.

The bear said, “my foot feels better and is nearly whole,

I will forgive this injury to my foot if you will not

dig any more deep holes in my daily walking spot."

They agreed that their digging there would cease,

and the bear, mole, and rabbits lived again in peace.

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