An Evening with Maddie

 An Evening with Maddie                            

   By Danny C. Wash

The little girl with a blue bow in her hair was

dressing her doll in her doll closet. Her name was 

Maddie. Her mother was in the girl’s room cleaning.

Out the window, the mother could see the wind

in the trees swaying the leafy limbs this way and that

while the yellow calico cat named Queenie sat on 

the window sill, very still, staring out the same window.

The cat was looking at another cat on the ground

perhaps wondering if the cat was one she knew.

The little girl said, “Mommy have you seem Virginia’s 

blue shoes? Virginia was the doll’s name and her favorite.

Mommy replied, “yes, I think I saw them on the bed.”

The girl said, “Virginia needs the blue shoes to match 

her dress because she is going to the ball later tonight.”

Maddie was five years old. Her Daddy was at work

and he usually came home by six each day for dinner.

Maddie had several dolls in her doll closet and she

played with them most of the afternoon until six and then

she heard her Daddy open the front door and call her name.

“Maddie,” he said. “Daddy,” she cried and ran downstairs.

Daddy held out his arms and she ran into them for her hug.

Dinner was almost ready, as they sat in the floor and Maddie

explained about Virginia getting ready for the ball tonight.

Daddy asked about Virginia’s date and Maddie ran upstairs

to bring back the date named Adam, who was wearing his

tuxedo. About that time, Mommy announced dinner was ready.

Into the dining room, Daddy and Maddie moved and sat down.

Daddy always sat at the head of the table, with Mommy on

his right and Maddie would sit to his left in her chair.

After, they had all feasted on roast beef, potatoes, and carrots,

Mommy brought out bowls of ice cream and chocolate syrup.

After Dinner, Maddie and her Daddy played a game on the floor 

with her dolls going to some kind of party with Virginia and Adam.

When play time was over, it was bed time and Daddy and Maddie

headed upstairs to her room. After, putting on her pajamas, Maddie

asked Daddy to read her a story. She selected a book of Bible stories.

The first story in the book was about Adam and Eve in the garden of

Eden. Daddy told Maddie to get in bed and he would read the story.

The story began with God creating the world and then Adam and Eve.

When Daddy finished the two page story, he put the book on the shelf.

Maddie asked Daddy, “where did God come from, who made God?”

“Wow,” thought Daddy. He started, “Maddie, that’s a hard question.  

No one knows the answer for sure. The best answer is no one knows how 

God began. No one made God because He tells us that He has always been 

and will always be. It’s hard to imagine isn’t it, but there are some things that in

our lives, we just can’t answer kind of like, why do I love you. The answer is

I always have loved you and always will love you. Now, it’s time to go to sleep. 

Which doll are you going to sleep with tonight?” Maddie said, “Daddy, we forgot to 

say my prayer.” Daddy said, “Oh, that’s right, let’s kneel right here by your bed.” 

Maddie began, “Dear God, thank you for my Mommy and Daddy and Virginia 

and I guess Queenie, too. Thank you that you love us and will always be here 

and love us. I love you. Goodnight. Amen.” Daddy saw Mommy come into the 

room and she tucked Maddie in her bed pulling up the pink blanket over her. 

Queenie jumped up on the foot of the bed and  Maddie put Virginia under the 

covers with her as Daddy and Mommy kissed her goodnight and switched off 

her light. “Goodnight,” they said as Daddy closed the door half-way and Maddie

said, “goodnight, I love you.” She closed her eyes holding Virginia and was 

soon sound asleep, as Queenie jumped off the bed to go to the window and

check for that cat she had seen outside on the sidewalk earlier in the day. There

was no cat on the sidewalk but she did look up and she saw the big bright full 

moon that was hanging in the sky, like a round bowl of milk, which made her 

hungry and she jumped down, squeezed through the partially closed door, and 

headed for the kitchen in hopes that her milk bowl was not empty.

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