Freedom (Long Version)


 by Danny C. Wash

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
2 Corinthians 3:17

The Spirit of the Lord dwells in me,

and because of this I know I’m free.

But, free from what is the question.

Free to do what I like is the suggestion.

But from where does this idea arise?

Well, that thought is of no little surprise.

It is from the one who claims to be wise,

but is the one who is the father of all lies.

We were freed from the very one who tries

to trap us back into his web of sin and deceit,

so that this will lead us into the jaws of defeat.

We were bought by God for a very great price

with the blood of His Son Jesus to be precise

to satisfy our debt of sin being unpayable by us,

Jesus came to Earth to identify with man and by thus

to represent all, to go to the death of the cross to satisfy

God’s wrath against all our sin requiring death to buy

such a great release for all that believe in Him to prevent

our being cast into eternal punishment and into that be sent.

God accepted the payment by Jesus raising Him from the grave

by resurrection life given to all who believe those will He save. 

When facing evil the Holy Spirit warns us when it is best

to retreat into and abide in Him who is our protection and rest,

and through the power of the Holy Spirit to endure the test.

We have access daily to the Holy Spirit in our spirit to win

and be set free in Him from the evil power of all sin,

to become prisoners of Christ in His grace, will, & love

to permit us to walk in His freedom from above.

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