
Showing posts from April, 2023

Faith and Hope

 Faith and Hope                                                 By Danny C. Wash “ faith, hope, and love abide...” 1Cor.13:13 Faith and Hope are like sisters that love others & desire to work in the lives of people who will allow them to do so. Some say, “I’m at the end of the road. I’m at the end of my rope.” These expressions show that someone has lost all hope. Fear and doubt in us are the arch enemies of faith and hope, so to these two enemies we must always resist and say nope. Hope is the oil that lubricates our soul, keeps us going, and is the fuel in our inner person that keeps us growing stronger as we move forward to keep hope overflowing. Faith is the champion of hope, the power driving it to expression. But the issue for hope is– faith in what or who is the question. Our faith and hope must be directed by and to the only One who can fulfill our ultimate need and complete us with His Son. When we are fully one with Jesus Christ, our faith & hope are at rest. We

The Furnace of Suffering

  The Furnace of Suffering                             By Danny C. Wash “...I have refined you in the furnace of suffering.” Isaiah 48:10 The furnace of suffering is a time and place of pain. It is through experiences in our life of loss and gain in those portions of our soul that are in need of refining by the furnace of suffering to make us ready for the shining and beautiful image of our Lord Jesus to come & replace those areas of sin and selfishness with His beautiful face and cause us to yield those burned clear areas to His grace. Our human soul by itself cannot be made better or improved. It can only have the sinful areas daily and steadily removed and replaced by faith in Christ’s life in a union with our soul as the Holy Spirit works by transforming us daily to be made whole  in Christ & Him in us so His life can be manifested in us as the goal. 

The Stone of David

 The Stone of David                                            By Danny C. Wash “[David] chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook.” 1Samuel 17:40 “...the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and forceful people lay hold of it.” Matt. 11:12 “...the kingdom of God is preached, and every man entereth violently into it.” Luke 16:16 (ASV) I keep on my desk a smooth round stone that was likely made smooth by water in a brook, similar to David’s smooth stone he used with his slingshot to kill the giant, Goliath, in the valley of Elah.  My stone has some small lines in the surface that roughly resemble a human skull reminding me of Goliath being struck in the head with the stone.          My stone in my palm is evidence of the existence of the stone because my physical sense of touch substantiates it as being real. However, the reality of the stone of David takes our faith to substantiate it as being true. The cool hard stone in my hand reminds me by faith that David’s stone w

Captive to Christ

Captive to Christ                      by Danny C. Wash “... we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.”   2 Corinthians 10:9 (NET) What does it mean to take every thought captive to make it obey Christ?  How can we control our thoughts as we ought? We can’t always make these thoughts bow to obey Christ but we do have a Helper who can come into us and show us how. This Helper is the Holy Spirit to give shelter from the attacks of the evil thoughts right now. As in all matters of life, faith in God is the key to open and have all that God provides and allows. We should walk by faith & not by just what we see. Our faith enables the Holy Spirit to battle on our side to capture the evil thoughts and allow us to be free from their control when in Christ we will but abide.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule                                               by Danny C. Wash The Golden Rule is lost on fools but is for the wise a very good rule. The rule says that you should do to others as you want others to do to you. There is another rule that is also referred to as the Golden Rule but is not preferred, that says that he who has the gold rules. This rule can be selfish and very cruel. But God says that all the “ gold will be Mine.” We must give up control of all to Him as a sign that all we have is now property of the Divine, to be returned to us to manage as a mere trustee of His property and to be used as He may see fit to direct and to cause us to be wholly set free from our own selfishness and in Him trust to meet our needs and provide what we must have to live a life before God and man that is just.

The Weather of the Spirit

The Weather of the Spirit                                                         by Danny C. Wash As the wind blew through the pine trees, it was at first just a small gentle breeze, but as the day wore on and it began to warm, the wind blew harder into a full blown storm. Night came with lightning and rolling thunder. The rain was first a small patter and then a wonder of sheets of rain and hail which did mightily fall with such great blowing force that it beat down all. The Spirit of God can control the weather, “O fire and hail, snow and clouds, O stormy wind that carries out His orders.”   And, “He makes the lightning flash out of the midst of the rain.  He unleashes the wind from the places where He stores it.” The Spirit of God can be like the gentle wind that blows through the trees causing the spiritual leaves to move real slow. Or, the Spirit can be like the wind blowing with much power to accomplish what God desires to cleanse, purge, and scour. The Spirit of God can b

The Auburn Beauty

The Auburn Beauty                                         by Danny C. Wash   She was 14 with Auburn hair flowing down her back so fair. Five-foot tall in her bare feet, with sky blue eyes that were a treat. The boys swarmed around her like hungry bees, hoping for a glimpse of her beauty to please their desire for a young maiden with hair so red, that if they could just touch it they might fall dead. Her father warned her to keep away from those boys. They will only try to use you as their little toy. The young girl closed her ears to what he said and only believed what was already in her head. She saw a golden haired boy, who was very tall. The girl with the long red hair looked at him in awe because she was short and came up only to his shoulder, she pondered in her mind how he could ever hold her. Anyway, because she was too young to go on a date, she would have to put off her dream and anxiously wait to grow and grow and perhaps she would be a lot taller and could be held by him and

Money Money Money

Money Money Money                                                             by Danny C. Wash money walks  money talks money guides money hides money rules money fools money yields money heals money leads money feeds money kills money fills money decides money provides money makes money breaks money corrupts money deducts money increases money decreases money turns money burns money cheats money defeats money treats money beats money inflates money deflates money is something money is nothing money money money

Our Treasure

Our Treasure      by Danny C. Wash                                   What is it that we call our treasure? Is it not something that gives us great pleasure. An object of value beyond ordinary measure. Jesus said that where our treasure is found there will our heart be also. So we are told our treasures laid up in Heaven will abound to our ultimate benefit greater than much gold. but if we are bound by our treasures on earth, then our Heavenly treasures will be very dearth. What are the Heavenly treasures of which He speaks? These treasures are not material things of earth we now seek. They are our acts of deep love and sacrificial behavior by deeds of charity to the least of the these children of our Savior.  [“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust  destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, t

Trinity of Spring

Trinity of Spring  Danny C. Wash                                                  Well, here we are at April’s first day. The month between March and May. March is noted for its cool windy days. April provides us its many rain showers. And May produces its beautiful flowers. March is the end of winter’s cold. April’s got its sneezy pollen and mold. May is the pleasant pathway into our hot summer days where we sweat somewhat. Together they are our trinity of spring and that can be a wonderful thing.