The Furnace of Suffering

 The Furnace of Suffering                    

   By Danny C. Wash

“...I have refined you in the furnace of suffering.” Isaiah 48:10

The furnace of suffering is a time and place of pain.

It is through experiences in our life of loss and gain

in those portions of our soul that are in need of refining

by the furnace of suffering to make us ready for the shining

and beautiful image of our Lord Jesus to come & replace

those areas of sin and selfishness with His beautiful face

and cause us to yield those burned clear areas to His grace.

Our human soul by itself cannot be made better or improved.

It can only have the sinful areas daily and steadily removed

and replaced by faith in Christ’s life in a union with our soul

as the Holy Spirit works by transforming us daily to be made whole 

in Christ & Him in us so His life can be manifested in us as the goal. 

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