Faith and Hope

 Faith and Hope                                    
   By Danny C. Wash

“ faith, hope, and love abide...” 1Cor.13:13

Faith and Hope are like sisters that love others & desire to

work in the lives of people who will allow them to do so.

Some say, “I’m at the end of the road. I’m at the end of my rope.”

These expressions show that someone has lost all hope.

Fear and doubt in us are the arch enemies of faith and hope,

so to these two enemies we must always resist and say nope.

Hope is the oil that lubricates our soul, keeps us going,

and is the fuel in our inner person that keeps us growing

stronger as we move forward to keep hope overflowing.

Faith is the champion of hope, the power driving it to expression.

But the issue for hope is– faith in what or who is the question.

Our faith and hope must be directed by and to the only One

who can fulfill our ultimate need and complete us with His Son.

When we are fully one with Jesus Christ, our faith & hope are at rest.

We are at the end of the road and the rope & are happy and blessed.

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