Captive to Christ

Captive to Christ
   by Danny C. Wash

“... we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.”  
2 Corinthians 10:9 (NET)

What does it mean to take every thought

captive to make it obey Christ?  How

can we control our thoughts as we ought?

We can’t always make these thoughts bow

to obey Christ but we do have a Helper

who can come into us and show us how.

This Helper is the Holy Spirit to give shelter

from the attacks of the evil thoughts right now.

As in all matters of life, faith in God is the key

to open and have all that God provides and allows.

We should walk by faith & not by just what we see.

Our faith enables the Holy Spirit to battle on our side

to capture the evil thoughts and allow us to be free

from their control when in Christ we will but abide.

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