The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule                                    

 by Danny C. Wash

The Golden Rule is lost on fools

but is for the wise a very good rule.

The rule says that you should do to

others as you want others to do to you.

There is another rule that is also referred

to as the Golden Rule but is not preferred,

that says that he who has the gold rules.

This rule can be selfish and very cruel.

But God says that all the “ gold will be Mine.”

We must give up control of all to Him as a sign

that all we have is now property of the Divine,

to be returned to us to manage as a mere trustee

of His property and to be used as He may see

fit to direct and to cause us to be wholly set free

from our own selfishness and in Him trust

to meet our needs and provide what we must

have to live a life before God and man that is just.

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