The Weather of the Spirit

The Weather of the Spirit                                            

 by Danny C. Wash

As the wind blew through the pine trees,
it was at first just a small gentle breeze,
but as the day wore on and it began to warm,
the wind blew harder into a full blown storm.

Night came with lightning and rolling thunder.
The rain was first a small patter and then a wonder
of sheets of rain and hail which did mightily fall
with such great blowing force that it beat down all.

The Spirit of God can control the weather, “O fire and hail,
snow and clouds, O stormy wind that carries out His orders.”  
And, “He makes the lightning flash out of the midst of the rain. 
He unleashes the wind from the places where He stores it.”

The Spirit of God can be like the gentle wind that blows
through the trees causing the spiritual leaves to move real slow.
Or, the Spirit can be like the wind blowing with much power
to accomplish what God desires to cleanse, purge, and scour.

The Spirit of God can be mysterious in His ways with us, as
Jesus said, “the wind blows where it wishes and you hear 
the sound of it but you do not know where it comes from and 
where it is going, so is every one who is born of the Spirit.” 

The Spirit can be violent, “suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a
violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”
The Spirit can use the physical or spiritual weather to upset all that is not tied
down, which means to be tied down by our faith in God where we must abide.

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