
Showing posts from March, 2023


Broken     by Danny C. Wash                                                    Like Humpty Dumpty in the famous children’s  poem about his fall from a wall and being broken,  so that all the king’s men couldn’t put him together  again; we people were likewise broken from a fall.  The fall of the first man Adam in the garden of Eden  into sin caused the fall of all of us because we were  “in Adam” when he sinned. Our only way out of that  brokenness of this sin nature was to be taken out of  Adam at the cross of Christ and by God placing our  old sin nature “into Christ” at the time of His death,  so that when He died, our old nature died too. Jesus  was designated by God the Father as the “Last Adam,”  in order for Him to be identified with the broken Adam  and also all of us, who were broken in Adam. By this way,  God the Father was able, through the perfect and unbroken Jesus, to proclaim us in Him, as righteous and that we  humans were no longer controlled by the old sinful nature. 

The Third Day

The Third Day                                                                                  by Danny C. Wash “...God was in Christ reconciling the world  to Himself, not counting their wrongdoings  against them, and He has committed to us the  word of reconciliation.” 2 Cor. 5:19 Jesus, the One who we praise, is the One who was raised up out of the tomb on the Third Day, having been carried there by men to lay, after His death on the cross where He had endured suffering for us there. God’s law required that sin worthy of dying be  punished by death from hanging on a tree and required shed blood in order to be sin free. All of us are sinners, having been born that way, and left alone will remain such, come what may. Knowing this, after Adam’s sin, God had a plan  to deal with the problem of evil and the sin of man. God in Christ came and was born as a human like us,  but without sin, being the only One qualified to thus, in grace take our place to shed His blood for us in death. For

The Smells of Spring

The Smells of Spring                                                                                                                     by Danny C. Wash The wisteria in Spring was in full bloom, with purple flowers from morning til late afternoon. Across the meadow a hummingbird sucked up his fill of nectar from the large group of beautiful daffodils. The breeze from the east wafted the sweet honeysuckle smell, while the pecan tree limbs set free their catkins, which fell   and will be replaced by tiny pecans that will grow until fall. The wildflowers were competing to see which could be the most tall, while weeds by the edge were releasing myriads of smells into the air. All of these pollens and odors drifted from the meadow so fair to my home where I sat next to the open window in my chair. I took a deep breath of these wonderful scents into my nose, which then began sneezing and running like a big water hose. “Ah-chooo” came forth from my nose in giant waves of wet blubber. The all

The Battlefield

The Battlefield                                                                                 By Danny C. Wash Military battles with soldiers & arms are usually fought on a large physical battlefield where armies will meet. But there are other battles of which we have not thought, that take place in our soul for possession and defeat of our mind, will, and emotions by the enemy’s onslaught. The will is the great prize that the enemy seeks to gain, for with it the mind and emotions usually fall in line. The devil stirs up our fallen nature to cause sin & pain. Our evil nature is in the flesh, which is quick to align with the devil, so that its many pleasures can be fanned to flame. The final treasure is the stirring of self and its pride. We who have the Holy Spirit inhabiting our innermost man will have the Spirit warring against the devil and flesh, on our side. In the war for the soul, in the heat of the battle, the devil will fan the smoke of deception to blind us from the

The Good Soil

The Good Soil                                                    By Danny C. Wash                There are six major classifications of  soil  in the world- sandy, clay, silt, loam,  chalk, and peat. Each of the soils has its own good and  bad  characteristics .      That’s in the physical world. But, in the spiritual world, in Matthew 13 (ftn.1), Jesus said there were four kinds of soil- the hard soil beside the road where no seed of the Word could penetrate to grow and the devil would take the Word away; the rocky soil where seed could not root and grow; the thorny soil that would choke out the Word; and the good soil where the seed of the Word would grow and produce fruit. The Word is God's word about the Kingdom and His righteousness and salvation for us.      The soils mentioned by Jesus in the parable represent the spiritual condition of the souls of men. Numbers in the Bible have spiritual significance. The good soil was the fourth soil mentioned by Jesus and the number four

The Great Sock Escape

 The Great Sock Escape                                       By Danny C. Wash Holy Hank, as he was affectionately called, lay in the sock drawer next to his mate, Ankle Annie, musing with her how he intended to escape from this prison of a drawer and his dislike of  his owner with the stinky feet and gouging toenail. Hank said, “if he tears my toe with that toenail one more time, I’m gone.” Annie tried to comfort him with a “now, now Hank, remember when you get angry your stretch pressure rises.” Hank then describes to Annie  the various ways other socks had escaped. Hank saw the number of unmated socks rising and knew there must be a way out. “Annie,” he said, “I heard that Nicky, the nylon sock, used the dryer method to leave.” “What is the dryer method?” asked Annie. “You know,” says Hank, “You get yourself full of static, then hang on the top of the dryer near the front and they can’t see you when unloading or you can hide in a shirt or underwear and when they take it out, yo