
 by Danny C. Wash                                                  

Like Humpty Dumpty in the famous children’s 

poem about his fall from a wall and being broken, 

so that all the king’s men couldn’t put him together 

again; we people were likewise broken from a fall. 

The fall of the first man Adam in the garden of Eden 

into sin caused the fall of all of us because we were 

“in Adam” when he sinned. Our only way out of that 

brokenness of this sin nature was to be taken out of 

Adam at the cross of Christ and by God placing our 

old sin nature “into Christ” at the time of His death, 

so that when He died, our old nature died too. Jesus 

was designated by God the Father as the “Last Adam,” 

in order for Him to be identified with the broken Adam 

and also all of us, who were broken in Adam. By this way, 

God the Father was able, through the perfect and unbroken

Jesus, to proclaim us in Him, as righteous and that we 

humans were no longer controlled by the old sinful nature. 

Just as we were made sinners by being in Adam, we were made  

righteous and unbroken by being “in Christ” when the King 

of the universe made Him whole, as us and for us, after the cross

and resurrection from death and the tomb gave us a new nature, 

which is free from the rule of the old sin nature, provided we 

receive this truth into us and His gift of unbrokenness through 

God’s grace by faith and trust in Jesus Christ, the Lord of all.

(If you need scripture proof of all the above, see these verses: 
Genesis 3:17-24; Isaiah 53:6; John 3:3-16; Romans 5: 6-21; 6:3-11, 
23, 7:1-6, 10:9-15; 1Corinthians 1:30, 15:42-49; Galatians 2:20; 
Ephesians 2:8-15; 2Corinthians 5:14-19; Colossians 1: 19-22, 
3:1-5, 2:9-15.)

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