The Third Day

The Third Day                                                                

 by Danny C. Wash

“...God was in Christ reconciling the world 
to Himself, not counting their wrongdoings 
against them, and He has committed to us the
 word of reconciliation.” 2 Cor. 5:19

Jesus, the One who we praise,

is the One who was raised

up out of the tomb on the Third Day,

having been carried there by men to lay,

after His death on the cross where

He had endured suffering for us there.

God’s law required that sin worthy of dying be 

punished by death from hanging on a tree

and required shed blood in order to be sin free.

All of us are sinners, having been born that way,

and left alone will remain such, come what may.

Knowing this, after Adam’s sin, God had a plan 

to deal with the problem of evil and the sin of man.

God in Christ came and was born as a human like us, 

but without sin, being the only One qualified to thus,

in grace take our place to shed His blood for us in death.

For us and as us on the cross, He took His last breath

to rescue us from the clutches of the devil, sin, 

and death in order that He might free our souls to win.

No one, including the devil, could accuse Him 

of requiring of us something that He, the perfect One,

would not endure to pay the penalty for what we had done.

His shed blood covered our sin and gained forgiveness

for all sin in the past and into the future, if we will but confess.

He drank the bitter drink to the bottom of this cup of evil

and then took it into the pit of hell for a final defeat of the devil.

Jesus Christ, enduring the cross, death, and resurrection became

an ark, in the type of Noah, to carry us in Him out of sin and shame,

and deliver us from the waters of death into the land of the just

in union with Him in His resurrection body, for all who would  trust

in what the faithfulness of Jesus Christ has accomplished for us.

O Lord Jesus, we pray that all will call upon Your precious name

to be reborn from above, and receive forgiveness from all sin and blame.

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