The Battlefield

The Battlefield                                                                
By Danny C. Wash

Military battles with soldiers & arms are usually fought

on a large physical battlefield where armies will meet.

But there are other battles of which we have not thought,

that take place in our soul for possession and defeat

of our mind, will, and emotions by the enemy’s onslaught.

The will is the great prize that the enemy seeks to gain,

for with it the mind and emotions usually fall in line.

The devil stirs up our fallen nature to cause sin & pain.

Our evil nature is in the flesh, which is quick to align

with the devil, so that its many pleasures can be fanned

to flame. The final treasure is the stirring of self and its pride.

We who have the Holy Spirit inhabiting our innermost man

will have the Spirit warring against the devil and flesh, on our side.

In the war for the soul, in the heat of the battle, the devil will fan

the smoke of deception to blind us from the truth he will hide.

This confusion can only be overcome when we in Christ abide

and trust to deliver us from the lies of the enemy and our pride.

Victory lies in the cross of Christ when we believe that He died

and our old nature with Him and were raised in Him and now reside.

Christ’s blood shed on the cross that evil day cleansed us from all sin.

We now have a renewed spirit by Him and will eternal life in Him win.

Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity that has forever been.

“For You [the Holy Spirit] have armed me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those [the demons] who rose up against me.” Psalm 18:39 “I urge you as foreigners and exiles to keep away from fleshly desires that do battle against the soul...” 1Peter 2:11 “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members.” James 4:1

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