The Smells of Spring

The Smells of Spring                                                    
 by Danny C. Wash

The wisteria in Spring was in full bloom,

with purple flowers from morning til late afternoon.

Across the meadow a hummingbird sucked up his fill

of nectar from the large group of beautiful daffodils.

The breeze from the east wafted the sweet honeysuckle smell,

while the pecan tree limbs set free their catkins, which fell  

and will be replaced by tiny pecans that will grow until fall.

The wildflowers were competing to see which could be the most tall,

while weeds by the edge were releasing myriads of smells into the air.

All of these pollens and odors drifted from the meadow so fair

to my home where I sat next to the open window in my chair.

I took a deep breath of these wonderful scents into my nose,

which then began sneezing and running like a big water hose.

“Ah-chooo” came forth from my nose in giant waves of wet blubber.

The allergy attack was so fast and severe that I began to shudder.

“Close the window” I did shout in an effort to keep the smell out.

I bolted to the cabinet for an allergy pill that would stop my leaky snout,

remembering that it’s best for me to enjoy Spring from indoors, no doubt.

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