
Showing posts from April, 2022

The Glory of God

The Glory of God  by Danny C. Wash      In a dream, an angel appeared and asked me if I wanted to see the glory of God. I said, “ yes, but how can I? ” The angel took me to a hilltop  at midday and told me to look at the sun but I said, “it will blind me if I look at it.” The angel replied, “that is true and so will the glory of God if you were to look directly at it.”   “Then, how can I see God’s glory,” I asked. The angel said, “Look at that green tree  on this hill.” I did and the angel said, “do you see the tree and it’s color?”  I said,  “yes, and it is beautiful.” The angel said, “when you see the tree, you are seeing  the light from the sun reflecting back to your eyes from the tree.” I asked, “but what  does that have to do with God’s glory?” The angel said, “the glory of God can be seen  by looking at Jesus because He said, ‘the one who has seen Me has seen the Father.’       God’s glory is reflected to you as Jesus through your spiritual eyes inside you when  you read ab

Hymn of Praise to Our Lord

 Hymn of Praise to Our Lord       by Danny C. Wash                                                                                    Oh Lord, Who is our eternal rock Come in wonderful mercy near and rescue us from all our fear. How can we resist His great love Who came to take our just place and suffer the penalty of the race. He was the perfect eternal lamb for the Passover sacrifice having been found by God without blemish or spot to pay for our sins and bring the devil’s deeds to naught. He was beaten with whips that tore away his skin But much worse was the pain and guilt of our sin He suffered that our souls finally He might win. He was hung upon the cross in shame to shed His blood and sacrifice His life so that all are saved that believe in His name. All our sin in His beaten body in love He did undertake. Our old self was crucified in Him by taking our place and because He became sin as us, God did Jesus forsake. Jesus’ weakened body and heart could no longer bear the loss of

The Birds and the Bees

The Birds and the Bees                                                             by Danny C. Wash      The birds and the bees are flying in the trees and the bees are seeking pollen that is free. The birds are looking for sticks to build their nest, since they will be needing a place for their little guests and the little eggs will be laid in a home away from pests. The bees bring nectar to the hive for them to make honey for all of them to eat when its cold and not sunny. Bees are busy little fellows buzzing in the flowers and spreading pollen around with all their power. The pollen spread to other plants is needed for the gift of new life to be given from one to another. We are not alone in this world and we need others in order to share ourselves in the creation of life, like the birds and the bees and a man and a wife. (Caution: in telling children about the “birds and the bees,” you may want to give them a few more details than these; otherwise, they may grow up looking f

Spring Has Sprung

 Spring Has Sprung    by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                     Spring this year has now sprung, The bees buzz around the hives still hung in the trees where the sap does rise to the tips of the limbs to no ones surprise. The bees seek to rob the flowers of pollen in order to take to the hive before its all fallen. The leaves of the trees are starting to green as is the grass underneath them and in between. The birds they are singing and chirping their best and gathering their sticks in order to build a nest. The hibernating animals come out into the sunlight blinking and stretching their legs with all their might. Male animals begin seeking a suitable mate to begin the old ritual for which he can’t wait. In like manner a young man’s thoughts turn to love and is drawn like a moth to a light from above seeking a beautiful young woman as his truelove. But when old men in springtime awake from their snoring,

The Choice

The Choice         by Danny C. Wash                                       “For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1Cor.1:18 There is Heaven above or hell below, what a choice we have, you know. Why worry, you say with your bright face shining from the sun above in its usual place. Eat, drink, be merry, and play you still say until the bill comes due which you must pay. With what will you pay when the check arrives, your life, your soul how will you survive. God is in His Heaven and the devil is below what will you fear when into death you must go. You don’t believe in Heaven or hell, you say, not afraid of the future nor to die anyway. What is this foolishness about the cross and Jesus who people say died for the lost. You’ll think about all of that some other time. But like the old hall clock does eventually chime  the last day will come and your time will have run and the chance for the right choice

The Anchor

The Anchor                                                                                     by Danny C. Wash  “ This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope  both sure and steadfast and one which enters within  the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us...” Hebrews 6:19 As a ship has an anchor to hold it fast in place firm to the sea floor  so that the boat can be controlled  and not be blown away or ashore, my soul like a ship in the sea must hold onto and be fixed to its anchor evermore. My soul-anchor is held fast in God’s love and when storms of grief and sin do blow His love strengthens me from above and I know that my God loves me so. When the mighty waves have ceased and the winds have stopped their blow I realized that even as I thought I increased my hold, it was God that would not let me go.