The Glory of God

The Glory of God
 by Danny C. Wash

    In a dream, an angel appeared and asked me if I wanted to see the glory of God. I said,yes, but how can I?The angel took me to a hilltop at midday and told me to look at the sun but I said, “it will blind me if I look at it.” The angel replied, “that is true and so will the glory of God if you were to look directly at it.”  “Then, how can I see God’s glory,” I asked. The angel said, “Look at that green tree on this hill.” I did and the angel said, “do you see the tree and it’s color?”  I said, “yes, and it is beautiful.” The angel said, “when you see the tree, you are seeing the light from the sun reflecting back to your eyes from the tree.” I asked, “but what does that have to do with God’s glory?” The angel said, “the glory of God can be seen by looking at Jesus because He said, ‘the one who has seen Me has seen the Father.’ 

    God’s glory is reflected to you as Jesus through your spiritual eyes inside you when you read about Him in the Scriptures. Also, the Holy Spirit reflects the glory of God to you inside you. And, God’s glory is reflected to you in His followers when they receive and give away His love to the world. God’s glory is reflected to you in the beauty of His creation, also.” Continuing, the angel said, “The glory of God is indescribable as to what it actually is, as it is a basic word. It is like trying to describe the primary colors of red, yellow, or blue. No one can describe blue, one can only say, ‘look at the sky.’ Or, yellow by telling someone to look at a certain bird, or red by telling them to look at the color of blood. To describe God’s glory though, we use words like splendor, holiness, majesty, or dazzling light. But these words don’t capture the real essence of the meaning, which is to examine Jesus as described in the Bible and then we see glimpses of God’s glory. 

    The primary colors can be mixed in certain proportions to create all the other varied and distinct shades. Red and blue produce the color purple and depending on how much of each the various shades of purple are produced. When the primary colors are equally mixed together the color white is produced. If we assigned a color to each of the members of the Trinity, say blue for God as He is in the heavens, red for Jesus as He shed His blood for you, and yellow to the Holy Spirit for His brilliance and then when they are mixed into the Trinity we would have the purity and brilliance of the color white representing the purity of the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” 

    The angel continued, “There are seven colors of the rainbow, which was created by God and given as a promise to not flood the world again. Seven is a significant number to God because it is called the number of perfection and completion; remember, there are seven days in the week. The rainbow also shows God’s glory as it divides the white light from the sun into these seven colors, which shows that God has made the many races and colors of people.  The prophet Ezekiel said, ‘Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around Him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.’”And, then I awoke and pondered all this with a new desire to see God’s glory everywhere and in me.

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