Spring Has Sprung

 Spring Has Sprung

   by Danny C. Wash                                                                                

Spring this year has now sprung,

The bees buzz around the hives still hung

in the trees where the sap does rise

to the tips of the limbs to no ones surprise.

The bees seek to rob the flowers of pollen

in order to take to the hive before its all fallen.

The leaves of the trees are starting to green

as is the grass underneath them and in between.

The birds they are singing and chirping their best

and gathering their sticks in order to build a nest.

The hibernating animals come out into the sunlight

blinking and stretching their legs with all their might.

Male animals begin seeking a suitable mate

to begin the old ritual for which he can’t wait.

In like manner a young man’s thoughts turn to love

and is drawn like a moth to a light from above

seeking a beautiful young woman as his truelove.

But when old men in springtime awake from their snoring,

if they look outside and see a cloud they think of rain pouring

and turn over in the bed pulling the cover over their head

thinking how wonderful it is in the springtime to stay in bed.

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