The Choice

The Choice  
    by Danny C. Wash


“For the word of the cross is to those who
are perishing foolishness, but to us who are
being saved it is the power of God.” 1Cor.1:18

There is Heaven above or hell below,

what a choice we have, you know.

Why worry, you say with your bright face

shining from the sun above in its usual place.

Eat, drink, be merry, and play you still say

until the bill comes due which you must pay.

With what will you pay when the check arrives,

your life, your soul how will you survive.

God is in His Heaven and the devil is below

what will you fear when into death you must go.

You don’t believe in Heaven or hell, you say,

not afraid of the future nor to die anyway.

What is this foolishness about the cross

and Jesus who people say died for the lost.

You’ll think about all of that some other time.

But like the old hall clock does eventually chime 

the last day will come and your time will have run

and the chance for the right choice is forever done.

God has already paid the check and debt for you,

He wrote on the bill in the blood of Jesus, His Son,

“Paid in full” if you will by faith receive this One

and His payment of your debt you will no longer owe.

Make the right choice when it is daylight as you go 

because night comes when it is dark, the Spirit has gone, 

and there is no longer a choice but to weep and moan.

Then you will believe that you were wrong but too 

late because the bill for your sins still will be due.

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