Hymn of Praise to Our Lord

 Hymn of Praise to Our Lord  

  by Danny C. Wash  


Oh Lord, Who is our eternal rock
Come in wonderful mercy near
and rescue us from all our fear.

How can we resist His great love
Who came to take our just place
and suffer the penalty of the race.

He was the perfect eternal lamb for the Passover sacrifice
having been found by God without blemish or spot
to pay for our sins and bring the devil’s deeds to naught.

He was beaten with whips that tore away his skin
But much worse was the pain and guilt of our sin
He suffered that our souls finally He might win.

He was hung upon the cross in shame
to shed His blood and sacrifice His life
so that all are saved that believe in His name.

All our sin in His beaten body in love He did undertake.
Our old self was crucified in Him by taking our place
and because He became sin as us, God did Jesus forsake.

Jesus’ weakened body and heart could no longer bear the loss
of His Father for a moment and so in that place of His desertion
Jesus said “It is finished” and breathed his last upon the cross.

The devil, sin, and death did not know that in their prize
they gained at the cross in Jesus was instead to be their defeat
because God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice and from death would arise.  

On the third day after being sealed in His grave
an angel came and the heavy stone was rolled away.
God rescued Jesus from death and eternal life He gave.

He has been exalted above every power and throne
by His bodily resurrection from death in victory
and in this great sacrifice for all our sins to atone.

Because Jesus Christ has been raised in glory
the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon men
that they will no longer live under the power of sin.

Hallelujah to the Father for this glorious union
Hallelujah to the Son Who has brought the reunion
and made us one with Them in blessed eternal communion.

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