
Flesh and Blood

Flesh and Blood                                                   by Danny C. Wash Jesus said, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man  1 and drink His blood you have no life in  yourselves. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day.”  2 What in the world does this mean? Are we to be vampires and cannibals?  This is a real shocker when you think about it. Jesus had just explained what this meant to the  people who were following Him around to get the bread and wine He had been creating for  them. Jesus intended to upset the hanger-ons for the food people by these shocking  statements. If they had been listening, He told them before this, that He was speaking about  spiritual blood and bread. “I am the bread of life...I am the living bread that came down out of  heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die.” The hanger-ons for the food dropped away because of the grossness of these statements about eating his body and blood.

Words Unsaid

Words Unsaid                                                        By Danny C. Wash As I lay here in the dark in my bed words come to me I’ve never said. Things perhaps I have muttered, thought, but never even uttered. Words can be like sharp arrows that when loosed from the bow and fly to their mark bring sorrow. There are words that we may throw that when said we can’t take away. But the words of which I speak today are the ones that need to be spoken, words of true love not yet conveyed to our loved ones these words unspoken. Will you give them as a goodbye or greeting perhaps, to those who hunger for your emotion. Our days are numbered, time is quickly fleeting for us to bless with our words of love and devotion.

Knocking On the Door

Knocking On the Door                                                              by Danny C. Wash “ Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;  knock and the door will be opened for you.” Matthew 7:7 I have been asking and seeking for sure; Now I have been knocking on the door for so long I feel I can do it no more. My knuckles are bloodied, battered & sore and my legs are tired & ready to hit the floor. You ask, why am I doing this if I am still unheard? On the other side of the door is an answer deferred, which my continued knocking should give access and would be a wonderful thing with which to bless all the people who are caught in this world’s deep mess. And I realize that the Bible says that Jesus is the door. So if I have been knocking to the One who won’t ignore, why has the door not opened to the I answer I need? Then I have the revelation that will cause me to succeed. His word in the Bible says that where two or more are gathered in His name that He w


Rub-a-dub-dub                                                                              (based on “Rub-a-dub-dub three men in a tub”)    by Danny C. Wash Rub-a-dub-dub, three dogs in a tub, all had nasty fleas, scrub-a-dub-dub, & now all are flea free. Rub-a-dub-dub, three kids in a tub, all did cry & whine scrub-a-dub-dub & now they all shine. Rub-a-dub-dub, grandpa in the tub, grandma used a brush scrub-a-dub-dub, & grandpa’s skin did flush. Rub-a-dub-dub, grandma in the tub, grandpa got the soap, to scrub-a-dub-dub, & grandma said nope.

The Land of the Lost and Forgotten

The Land of the Lost and Forgotten                                    by Danny C. Wash There is a land of the lost and forgotten.   Have you ever been there?  Are you there now? You go to that land through a large door. The door is beautiful with a welcome sign.  The key to the door is the key of “Me” and “Self” The key opens the door and you are there in the blink of an eye. All you have to do is think about yourself all the time It’s easy but not free. It will cost you all your happiness. It’s very sad and quiet there. No one sees,  No one knows, no one cares. It is dimly lit and the sun never shines The curtains are all closed. The windows are painted shut. No one smiles in that land. It is forbidden. It is always cloudy with a chance of tears. All the colors are drab and dark. All the people there spend their hours in worry and Concentrate on themselves and their problems,  Frown often and think about how they have been hurt. Wait, you say, what if I want to leave, how do I? Well,

Summer Heat

Summer Heat                                                                                           by Danny C. Wash It’s hot, not a little, but a lot. It may be the hottest summer ever. Time to turn down the old thermostot (I know it is thermostat; however, that doesn’t rhyme, so it’s all I got.) It’s 100 & summer is going on forever. It’s also hot inside & the A/C is shot. Oh, when will it rain, maybe never. Next January, I promise if the freeze is uncontrolled, I won’t complain, Lord, about the cold weather but could you just save a little of the extra cold to use in the summer & that would be the best ever.


Secrets                                                                          by Danny C. Wash                                           “One who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets,  but one who is trustworthy conceals a matter.”  Proverbs 11:13 A secret is a bit of private information given to hold in trust by another those words inside them forever. A secret can be a fire that burns in us and urges to be told which we must resist this temptation and reveal it never. A secret is recreated each time it is given to someone   but it is no longer a secret to those that again let it go and becomes a breach of the trust that was given to that one. The broken trust that the telling one commits when doing so can break up a friendship ruining the life or the reputation of the one whose secret is exposed and cause much vexation. But when curiosity learns of a secret, it is aroused from its slumber and is like a hungry cat that can no longer rest until it has dined upon the delicious

7 A.M.

7 A.M.                                                                    by  Danny C. Wash I can’t get up from here . I’m frozen to this bed I fear. I know I should arise right now but my body will not so allow. Today I have many duties to attend. They all are hard and not my friend. I would like to just go away from it all to run and play and have a ball. But I must get up and go to work. I have many responsibilities I cannot shirk. There are many worries that I may find at 7 a.m. will enter into my tired mind. None of these fleeting thoughts are real even though at 7 a.m. they may so feel. I will ignore them all & jump up from bed. Perhaps the best of my life is just ahead.

Mercy and Grace

  Mercy and Grace                                                     By Danny C. Wash    “ Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the  throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may  find grace to help in time of need,” Hebrews 4:16 Are you carrying a load of worry and fears unable to be free from your crying & tears. Jesus on Earth said “Come to me, all who labor  and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Jesus entered into Heaven without reproach after the cross & and thereby being blessed, He sat on His throne of grace for us to approach, telling us to come with confidence to this place in time of need to receive His mercy & grace. And, Mercy & Grace issue from the heart of Jesus like two sisters whose roles have been decreed to use their power to meet our desperate need. Mercy represents the compassion of God for us and Grace is His undeserved favor for the unjust, who in Christ receive His justness by faith &  trust. Will you be justified thro

The Leaving Train

The Leaving Train    by Danny C. Wash                                                     We are always leaving from something. When we’re born we leave our mother. When we are about six we leave for school. When we are grown we leave our parent’s home. I grew up & left my parents to marry my wife. We had children and they left us for their lives. When my mother was old she was the first to leave. When my father was old, part of his mind had left already. He was in a nursing home and I would visit him and we would talk. One day he said, “they were taking up   a load down there on a train to leave the other night, but I  didn’t leave with them.” And then one day he got his ticket to leave on that train. He still struggled with it, but then  finally left on the train that was taking up folks. We don’t  always decide when to leave and be taken up on that train. But, some day we all will get our ticket and ride on the Leaving Train.