The Land of the Lost and Forgotten

The Land of the Lost and Forgotten                        

     by Danny C. Wash

There is a land of the lost and forgotten.  

Have you ever been there? 

Are you there now?

You go to that land through a large door.

The door is beautiful with a welcome sign. 

The key to the door is the key of “Me” and “Self”

The key opens the door and you are there in the blink of an eye.

All you have to do is think about yourself all the time

It’s easy but not free. It will cost you all your happiness.

It’s very sad and quiet there. No one sees, 

No one knows, no one cares.

It is dimly lit and the sun never shines

The curtains are all closed.

The windows are painted shut.

No one smiles in that land. It is forbidden.

It is always cloudy with a chance of tears.

All the colors are drab and dark.

All the people there spend their hours in worry and

Concentrate on themselves and their problems, 

Frown often and think about how they have been hurt.

Wait, you say, what if I want to leave, how do I?

Well, that’s a little harder than getting in.

It starts by looking for the door. 

What does the door look like, you say.

It’s not the door that got you there

It is small, low and rough in appearance.

This door is locked until you find the key.

Where is the key and how do I find it?

It is the key of “others.” What’s that you say?

Start small, think about someone else’s problems.

Forget your problems intentionally. Force yourself

to think about someone else and you will then find that the 

Key to the door was right there all along but

You could not see it because of your blindness to it.

Put the key in the door and it will open.

But, in order to pass through the small low door,

You have to get on your hands and knees and crawl 

Through in humility stripping off the “Me” and the “Self”

Once on the other side you will be in the Land of the

Found and Remembered by others as you find and remember them.

Happiness can never be found when we search for it.

It just appears as we look out for the interests of others.

Found and remembered because the “Me” and “Self” were left in the 

Land of the Lost and Forgotten.

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