Knocking On the Door

Knocking On the Door                                                
 by Danny C. Wash

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; 
knock and the door will be opened for you.”
Matthew 7:7

I have been asking and seeking for sure;

Now I have been knocking on the door

for so long I feel I can do it no more.

My knuckles are bloodied, battered & sore

and my legs are tired & ready to hit the floor.

You ask, why am I doing this if I am still unheard?

On the other side of the door is an answer deferred,

which my continued knocking should give access

and would be a wonderful thing with which to bless

all the people who are caught in this world’s deep mess.

And I realize that the Bible says that Jesus is the door.

So if I have been knocking to the One who won’t ignore,

why has the door not opened to the I answer I need?

Then I have the revelation that will cause me to succeed.

His word in the Bible says that where two or more

are gathered in His name that He will be there for sure. 

You ask, what is this answer you seek and what can I do?

Don’t just watch me but please knock on the door too.

You say, but what is the reason I must knock along with you?

You can be part of the “more” as we can use greater than a few

to gather in Jesus’ name as He wants His believers to agree

on their requests to Him as the door to open and be set free.

The disciple’s prayer in the Bible to the Father teaches us to say

“Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”when we pray.

Our prayers are like laying the railroad tracks that empower

the mighty train to move & do its work with great power.

Our asking, seeking, and knocking are prayers that enable

Jesus to bring His will to earth from Heaven and make us able

to defeat the works of the evil one on the earth through our prayer

which is a weapon divinely powerful for the destruction of his lair.

One day the door will open & the power we seek will come through.

But until then we must keep asking, seeking, knocking until that is true.

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