
My Birthday

                                                                            My Birthday by Danny Wash A birthday is just another day, Except it’s not, it’s the day I was born, Well not really today but the same day years ago. Naked, out I came into the world, crying, Sad, no just alive and separated from warm mother. Apart and the first day of the rest of my life. And now here, all these days, weeks, and years later. Alone, but not alone, family and friends reminding me Of this day and that first one; "member," as the little ones say. Well, not really, as I float on this stream of life in wonder,  Onward how quickly, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter,  Where will it end? But, it’s my Birthday and I will not think about that. Tomorrow and tomorrow and then another Birthday.

The Deposition

                                                                                The Deposition   By Danny C. Wash The mood in the room was nervous charged with anger, fear, and resentment.  The Court reporter tinkered with her equipment while the witness nervously eyed the lawyer who was adjusting his papers and notepad. The opposing attorney whispered to his associate and the associate smiled and reached into her bag. The lawyer glared at the attorney as the witness began to sweat.  "Are you ready" asked the reporter who gave the oath to the anxious witness. "I will" she said as she lowered her hand and raised her guard.  "State your name please" and the dance was on. Where were you, what did you see, when did this and that happen, how do you know, and who was there? And it drones on amid objections, disputes and bickering. At the end everyone looks at the piles of documents and the 500 feet of the court reporter's recordings and wonders whether wha

The Storm in Clicheville

  The Storm in Clicheville by Danny C. Wash It was a dark and stormy night in Clicheville. There had been no calm before the storm. I was scared out of my wits. I was frightened to death. I didn’t want to be dead as a doornail from the lightning. I saw a bolt strike and it was a near miss. But lightning never strikes twice,  However, that was cold comfort. It was raining cats and dogs and dark as pitch. The wind was blowing ninety miles an hour. It was howling like a banshee. The thunder was loud enough to wake the dead. And the water was five feet high and rising. My hopes were dashed and fading fast. I was in a real pickle. My back was against the wall. I was at the end of my rope between a rock and a hard place. I was about to throw in the towel as I lost track of time. It’s always darkest before the dawn. But every storm cloud has a silver lining. And then it was the crack of dawn. I looked out and, low and behold, I had weathered the storm. Out of the blue, a south wind began to

The King of the Closet

                                                    The King of the Closet By Danny Wash As I sit on my throne (a stool) in my closet and contemplate my domain. The shirts and the pants stand neatly at attention where they have been hung.  The shoes are bowed low in their rack with no back talk. No one moves without the King’s nod of approval. Silence reigns, all at peace and no bother. No problems except for an occasional wrinkle or hole. I, the King, will bear no dissent in this domain  Where I rule with complete and supreme power.   The socks and the underwear lie quietly and obediently in the drawer Waiting for my decision, as to who will serve me this day. In my closet kingdom I sometimes sit and think great thoughts About my subjects and how they might better serve me and the like. And then, dressed in them, I arise and exit my kingdom to take out the trash.

The Rubber Ducky

The Rubber Ducky                                                   By Danny Wash I am a rubber ducky I’m very soft and yellow. I belong to a boy named Bucky Who is still small-just a little fellow. When we take a bath he plays with me if I’m lucky But Bucky also plays with a red boat named Fred And that makes me angry- real mad. Then the bath is over and it’s time for bed to go So onto a shelf I’m put and that’s oh so sad Until tomorrow and the bath again to splash to and fro With Fred and Bucky and then I am so glad.

What is the Gospel? An Overview.

                                                                                                                                                                                         An Overview of the Gospel                                              by Danny C. Wash “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes...” Romans 1:16  This is an overview of the good news of God to man from the beginning to the end of what has been revealed to us by God. The term “man” is used in its generic sense and includes both male and female. This overview does not contain every detail but covers the essential points. The meaning of the word “Gospel” is good news.   God is eternal having always been and will forever be.  The Bible does not clearly reveal certain matters about creation, as to what was occurring before Genesis 1:1. But, we do know that God is love and the existence of God’s love meant that love must and will be ex

Gabriel and the Last Adam

Gabriel and The Last Adam   by Danny C. Wash “ Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man [Adam], and he slept; then He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh at that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman [Eve] the rib which He had taken from the man....” Genesis 1:26; 2: 21-22; “And the angel answered and said to her [Mary], ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God.’” Luke 1:35. “And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 “The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam [Jesus] became a life-giving spirit.”   I Corinthians 15:45. A poem story beginning in the time of the creation of the Garden of Eden :   The archangel Gabriel, who always stood in the presence of God in Heave

The Blood Sparrow

The Blood Sparrow   by Danny C. Wash                                                                                                                                            Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father . Matthew 10:29      It was a hot day like any other day as the sparrow flitted about and flew up above the rooftops where the breeze was cooler.      He spotted a crowd outside the city gates and flew there looking for food. He fluttered down and saw soldiers and people looking up at something.      The sparrow saw the familiar sight of men hanging on wooden things with a long piece of wood stuck in the ground and another piece across it. That day there were three men hanging on these things on this hill that looked like a man’s skull. He had seen this before and knew there might be crumbs around where the crowd stood and watched men die in agony.       The sparrow knew he had to be careful because buz

Arlie, Santa's Postman (A Christmas Story for Young and Old Children)

  Arlie, Santa’s Postman  (A Christmas Story for Young and Old Children)                                                by Danny C. Wash           Arlie, the postman, worked his mail delivery route all year in Northern Alaska. Arlie used a dog sled of Huskies to deliver the mail. Arlie had a special route once each year to carry the children’s Christmas letters to Santa with his dog sled pulled by his Huskies. The lead dog was named Meesha and she would forge the way through the snow to the North Pole. Arlie was the only postman who knew the route and Meesha always led the journey. Arlie always left on the trek to the North Pole on a day that would let him take all the letters at once and not leave any behind.  When that special day was approaching and almost all the letters were ready, Arlie received a message from his boss who asked him to come to town to the central post office. When Arlie arrived, his boss took him to the back and showed him a brand new snowmobile that the post