The King of the Closet


The King of the Closet

By Danny Wash

As I sit on my throne (a stool) in my closet and contemplate my domain.

The shirts and the pants stand neatly at attention where they have been hung. 

The shoes are bowed low in their rack with no back talk.

No one moves without the King’s nod of approval.

Silence reigns, all at peace and no bother.

No problems except for an occasional wrinkle or hole.

I, the King, will bear no dissent in this domain 

Where I rule with complete and supreme power.  

The socks and the underwear lie quietly and obediently in the drawer

Waiting for my decision, as to who will serve me this day.

In my closet kingdom I sometimes sit and think great thoughts

About my subjects and how they might better serve me and the like.

And then, dressed in them, I arise and exit my kingdom to take out the trash.

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